Health: Cheese and wine can REDUCE risk of Alzheimer’s age-related cognitive decline, study shows

No need to hold back on the cheese and wine this Christmas: Study shows they can REDUCE risk of Alzheimer’s and age-related cognitive decline Researchers from the US studied the diets of nearly 1,800 Britons over a decade They compared this information with tests of their cognitive prowess over time Certain foods — which also … Read more

Ministers pledge £4million to plant thousands of trees to tackle climate change and reduce flooding 

The Mail’s campaign to plant thousands of trees across Britain receives a huge boost today as ministers pledge £3.9million to plant more trees in towns and along rivers to reduce the risk of flooding. The funding will help Boris Johnson’s Government reach its target of planting 30,000 hectares (74,000 acres) of trees every year across … Read more

Health: Secret to good sleep is gentle repetitive movements that reduce alertness, fly study finds 

The secret to getting a sound night of sleep may lie in picking up good vibrations — at least it does if you’re a fly, a study has concluded. Researchers from the US found that flies sleep longer if gently vibrated to sleep — and wake up feeling more alert afterwards — and the same … Read more

Care homes told to ban Christmas decorations in pointless ‘bah humbug’ rules to reduce Covid spread

Care homes are told to ban Christmas decorations under pointless ‘bah humbug guidelines’ aimed at reducing the spread of coronavirus Experts have said there is no scientific evidence that trees and cards pose risk Some homes have been told to quarantine Christmas cards for three days  Presents should be brought unwrapped for staff to wrap, … Read more

Alzheimer’s Disease: Human cells could be gene-edited to reduce risk

Human brain cells could be gene-edited to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, scientists claim Researchers are examining methods to alter genes within the human brain This genetic variant could reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease The variant is found naturally in one in 150 people living in Scandinavia  Future techniques could see the … Read more

Human cells could be edited to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, scientists claim 

Human brain cells could be gene-edited to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, scientists claim Researchers are examining methods to alter genes within the human brain This genetic variant could reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease The variant is found naturally in one in 150 people living in Scandinavia  Future techniques could see the … Read more

Fishing: Conservationists call for video surveillance of vessels to reduce death of bycatch

Bycatch from fishing nets is causing the accidental death of hundreds of thousands of seabirds, seals, turtles and dolphins across the globe each year, a study warned. In response, the World Wide Fund for Nature and Sky Ocean Rescue have called for fishing vessels to be remotely monitored with cameras, to help address the issue. According to the … Read more

Amazon launches ‘climate-friendly’ platform to reduce amount of packaging

Online shopping giant Amazon has launched an ‘eco-friendly’ platform on its website in a bid to reduce the amount of packaging sent to customers as well as minimising its carbon footprint. The world’s biggest online retailer unveiled the Climate Pledge Friendly in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK, claiming the new programme will make … Read more

Indoor mask mandates reduce coronavirus infection rates by nearly HALF, new study finds

Indoor mask mandates can lower coronavirus transmission rates by nearly half, a new study suggests. Researchers in Canada found that requiring people to wear face coverings was associated with a 25 percent or larger weekly reduction in new cases of COVID-19. Additionally, in the first few weeks after mandates were implemented Ontario, the most populous … Read more

Samurai sword killers who murdered family man got £17,000 legal aid for QCs to try reduce jail term

Depraved murderers of a father-of-two who tried to cut his head off with a samurai sword received over £17,000 of legal aid for expensive lawyers to fight for them in court. Drug-addled Kiyran Earnshaw, 18, and Luke Gaukroger, 16, were jailed for life for hacking devoted family man Robert Wilson to death outside his work, inflicting … Read more