Coronavirus UK: Elderly ‘should stay at home for three months’

Millions of the elderly and most vulnerable will need to ‘shield’ themselves from social contact and stay at home for three months from this weekend, Downing Street announced today. Boris Johnson acknowledged that ‘drastic action’ was required to quell the spread of the deadly coronavirus which has killed 55 and infected more than 1,500 throughout … Read more

Dr Hillary Jones encourages visits to elderly relatives if people don’t have coronavirus symptoms

Dr Hilary Jones urges people with no coronavirus symptoms to continue visiting their elderly relatives – as over- 70s face being ordered to stay at home for four months The GP suggested that families should continue to visit their loved ones However, he reiterated the importance of self-isolating if symptoms appear Dr Hilary claimed 90 … Read more

Daughter’s heartbreak as elderly mother dies alone in coronavirus isolation

Daughter’s heartbreak as elderly mother dies alone after she is put in coronavirus isolation ‘just in case’ Caroline Hopton, 57, said she was not even allowed to hold her mother’s hand   Her cause of death is not known, but 36 people have died from infection in UK Ms Hopton said mother was admitted on Saturday … Read more

Former Home Secretary DAVID BLUNKETT says ordering the elderly to quarantine themselves is unfair

When two hijacked jet liners flew into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in September 2001, killing many thousands of people, our civilisation faced a desperate crisis. Today, it does again. Comparing the Covid-19 coronavirus with terrorism might seem bizarre, but I believe there are close parallels.  After the 9/11 attacks, it was … Read more

How to care for elderly loved ones after health secretary confirms they will be asked to stay home

As Britain’s over-70s have been asked to stay at home for four months to stop them catching coronavirus, health secretary Matt Hancock has said they can still meet friends and family providing everyone is ‘fit and healthy’. Age UK has said elderly people feeling well can still carry on as normal, and go out and … Read more

Coronavirus: Matt Hancock confirms the elderly WILL be told to stay home for four months

Matt Hancock today confirmed the government will tell the elderly to stay at home for up to four months as he admitted the NHS does not currently have enough ventilators for the fight against coronavirus. The Health Secretary said people over the age of 70 will be told to self-isolate even if they do not … Read more

Elderly warned to ‘take care’ with grandchildren over coronavirus

Elderly are told to ‘take care’ with their grandchildren as experts warn families are most likely to catch coronavirus from their loved ones than from strangers Prof John Edmunds warned elderly people are at greatest risk from loved ones He said parents should warn their own frail parents about the potential risk The London School … Read more

Elderly face uncertainty as Four Seasons care homes switch owners

Elderly face uncertainty as care home group Four Seasons transfers another 58 properties to new operators By Lucy White For The Daily Mail Published: 23:29 GMT, 12 March 2020 | Updated: 23:29 GMT, 12 March 2020 Elderly residents at Four Seasons care homes face more uncertainty after the group transferred another 58 properties to new … Read more

Elderly couple die hours apart after contracting the deadly coronavirus in northern Italy  

Italian couple who had been together 60 years die from coronavirus just two hours apart: Heartbroken son says ‘They died alone, I could not even hug them’ following tragic deaths Severa Belotti, 82, and Luigi Carrara, 86, lived in the town of Albino, in Bergamo They were said to have spent eight days locked down … Read more

Intensive care units ‘should stop treating elderly if coronavirus outbreak worsens’

The death toll from the coronavirus outbreak in Italy has jumped in the last 24 hours by 196 to 827 as a top Italian doctor said intensive care wards should place an age limit on beds. Rather than admit patients on a ‘first come first served’ basis, hospitals should swap to ‘catastrophe medicine’ guidelines – … Read more