We HAVE to start living our lives again, writes former Home Secretary DAVID BLUNKETT

Freedom to travel where you want is a fundamental democratic right.  But in recent days it feels as though anyone who wants to book a holiday abroad ever again is either a weird Covid denier, a sociopath or a vaccine sceptic. The country is desperate for some hope and optimism. Nothing symbolises that better than … Read more

Ex-Education Secretary DAVID BLUNKETT issues a call to arms

Just imagine, for a moment, what it must be like to be a child in lockdown. Stuck indoors, unable to play with friends and banished from school for weeks and months on end. Now imagine how tough it is for the children from the poorest, most under-privileged homes in society. Ask yourself if you could … Read more

The military should be drafted in for vaccine rollout, DAVID BLUNKETT argues

A serious crisis demands serious expertise. When foot-and-mouth disease swept across Britain 20 years ago, the Government had no hesitation in sending in the Army. Their response was magnificent. With implacable efficiency, from the squaddies to the top brass, they set about bringing a chaotic, dangerous situation under control. One man above all symbolised the … Read more

DAVID BLUNKETT: The lessons Donald Trump can teach the Left 

Contrary to expectations, the Democrats have gained the White House by only the narrowest of margins. In fact, Donald Trump substantially increased his own popular vote despite his catastrophic handling of the coronavirus crisis. Support for him from black and Hispanic voters, groups which have traditionally favoured Democrats, grew. Talk of a tide which would sweep … Read more

DAVID BLUNKETT: Democracy has been our bedrock for centuries but I fear it at risk due to Covid

When two senior police officers were confused last week about the current lockdown rules, I was not surprised.  The different regulations and tiers across the country are bewildering and, what’s more, they are changing from area to area, day by day. And if senior police officers are unclear, the public must be, too. Of course, … Read more

Treating the North like a lab is a blatant misuse of power, writes DAVID BLUNKETT

The lockdown measures being debated in Parliament are so extraordinary that they are almost comical. If passed, they will make it illegal for two people to dance together – or even be in the same room – unless they live in the same household.  The restrictions will also forbid groups of more than six to … Read more

Children are back at school but unions are threatening to hobble universities, writes DAVID BLUNKETT

After six long months, our children are finally returning to school and that news has cheered me enormously. Initial reports suggest attendance rates are high. Parents and teachers know that being back in the classroom has incalculable benefits not only for children’s education and futures, but for their mental health and family life, too. If … Read more

DAVID BLUNKETT: The BBC ignores the values of those who pay their salaries

On Radio Four last Tuesday night, a heavily-promoted programme tackled yet another phrase in the lexicon of today’s grievance culture. It was called ‘Code-Switching’ – a term used by some ethnic minority citizens to explain why they feel oppressed on the basis of how they speak, how they present themselves and how they behave.  Code-switching … Read more

DAVID BLUNKETT: The failure to get all children back to school is a betrayal of young lives

Every parent and teacher knows that a child who misses just a couple of weeks from school can fall rapidly behind his or her classmates. Which somehow puts into perspective the crisis facing a generation of children who have now gone without school for three months because of the coronavirus lockdown. I find it astounding … Read more

DAVID BLUNKETT: Fine words about social justice cut no ice when unions try to block schools opening

The wartime President of the United States, Franklin D Roosevelt, once proclaimed that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.  And at this critical moment, nothing could be more true – not least when it comes to the inflammatory debate about whether or not some primary-aged children should return to the classroom … Read more