Low-carb diet can also help older diabetes patients who are often the hardest to treat

Following a low-carb diet has shown promise in reversing type 2 diabetes — and new research suggests it could even help the hardest-to-treat patients ditch their medication. More than four million people in the UK have type 2 diabetes, which is linked to obesity and poor lifestyle. A further seven million have prediabetes — an … Read more

Type 1 diabetes could develop when babies are still in the WOMB

Type 1 diabetes could develop when babies are still in the WOMB, study finds Previously experts thought it only strikes when infants are older than six months But research found the autoimmune disease can develop before infants are born Breakthrough raises hope scientists will find new treatments for type 1 diabetes By Eleanor Hayward Health … Read more

Coffee before breakfast could give you diabetes, experts warn

Coffee before breakfast could give you diabetes: Drinking caffeine first thing in the morning can raise blood sugar by 50%, experts warn Regularly drinking coffee before breakfast may raise the risk of type 2 diabetes University of Bath researchers asked volunteers to drink coffee after waking up Found their blood sugar was 50% higher than when … Read more

Indigestion drugs ‘may raise diabetes risk

Indigestion drugs ‘may raise diabetes risk’: Medication taken by millions could increase chance of type 2 diabetes, new study suggests Those sing proton pump inhibitors 24 per cent more likely to get the condition  This rises to 26 per cent for those taking them twice a week for two years The over-the-counter drugs are commonly used for … Read more

DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: Are YOU a victim of hidden diabetes? (Believe it or not, I was too!)

 The small, scaly area on my chest didn’t overly worry me but as it was growing, albeit slowly, I thought I should have it checked out. My GP suggested it was a solar keratosis — sun damage — and referred me to a dermatologist. She also arranged for a blood test ‘just to check things … Read more

Beer belly raises the risk of early death from illnesses such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease

Every 4in on your belly ‘raises risk of early death’: Swollen waistline is a dire threat to health… even if the rest of your body is slim, research shows Researchers looked at waist size data from more than 2.5 million people  Many academics believe waist circumference is an accurate indicator of obesity Fat around the … Read more

More than half a MILLION people in Britain could have diabetes and not know it

Diabetes timebomb fears as study suggests more than half a MILLION people in Britain could have the disease and not know it More than half a million people could have type 2 diabetes without realising it Study suggests a screening programme should be brought in to help diagnosis Britain’s obesity epidemic has led to soaring … Read more

People who struggle to sleep are a fifth more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, study

People who struggle to get a good night’s sleep are significantly more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, even if they are a healthy weight. A review of more than 1,000 scientific studies into diabetes found insomniacs were at a 17 per cent risk compared to good sleepers. Type 2 diabetes is linked in most … Read more

High blood pressure and diabetes ‘can impair thinking and memory’

Diabetes and high blood pressure cause ‘structural changes’ in the brain that make people’s thinking slower and their memory worse, scans show Sufferers had ‘structural changes’ in the brain’s grey and white matter When these individuals did a memory test they performed worse than others High blood pressure was associated with mental decline in mid-life, … Read more

NHS enrolls 5,000 patients in mass trial of its soups and shakes diet to REVERSE diabetes

Thousands of people with type 2 diabetes are being enrolled into an NHS trial of ‘soups and shakes’ diet which has been proven to reverse the illness    A total of 5,000 patients in England have been signed up to trial the radical 12-month diet programme to slim them down and restore their health. Volunteers will … Read more