SARAH VINE: With women in charge, hair salons would be the first businesses to open 

Citizens rejoice! The Government has decreed that from June 15, Britain will once again be a nation of shopkeepers. Non-essential retail such as mobile phone shops and fashion stores (and car showrooms, which are allowed to open from next Monday) are to fling wide their doors to a grateful public who, it is hoped, will … Read more

Keep the vine fires burning!

Workers on a vineyard inside the Duke of Northumberland’s Albury Estate lit hundreds of candles to stop frost destroying new buds as temperatures fell to almost freezing last night.    As temperatures dropped neared freezing across the Albury Vineyard last night, more than 800 candles were lit among the budding fruit in an effort to … Read more

SARAH VINE: As Ryan the plumber says, we don’t need a handbook to follow the lockdown rules

When it comes to the latest Government guidelines on the (very) gradual lifting of lockdown, it seems people fall into one of two camps. You’re either a Pooja from Solihull, or a Ryan from Surrey. Pooja Jalota is the pharmacist who on Monday, in deeply censorious tones, accused Boris Johnson of being ‘too vague’ and … Read more

SARAH VINE: Who’ll dare to face the facts on obesity and Covid-19? 

 With each day that passes, with each new grim death toll, we learn a little bit more about the nature of this ghastly virus. This week in particular, statistics have come to light showing that obesity is emerging as one of the biggest risk factors for Covid-19. According to data released by the NHS, being … Read more

SARAH VINE: Dear Meghan and Harry, don’t worry about us… because we’re not worried about you 

First of all: how are you both? I know no one ever asks, so I thought it best just to check. After all, it must be so hard for you, stuck in Los Angeles in rented accommodation with only Ellen DeGeneres and Beyonce for company. We all know how stressful moving house can be, and … Read more

SARAH VINE: We might be handling this situation just fine but the lockdown stasi are coming for YOU 

We may not be fully conscious of it yet, but lockdown is, in many respects, one giant, unprecedented social experiment. No one has any real idea how it will influence the economy, although very few disagree that, short term, it will be almost cataclysmic. Equally seismic are the social repercussions. For young people, who are … Read more

Is it just me? Or is the boom in DIY grooming a joyous return to our teen years? Asks SARAH VINE

Is it just me? Or is the boom in DIY grooming a joyous return to our teen years? Asks SARAH VINE By Sarah Vine for the Daily Mail Published: 00:02 BST, 13 April 2020 | Updated: 00:04 BST, 13 April 2020 I have fond memories of me and my old flatmate Lucy, the pair of … Read more

SARAH VINE: Boris Johnson is as pale as a ghost

Under normal circumstances the fact that the Prime Minister rose miraculously from his sickbed on Easter Sunday might have felt rather too much like the work of an overimaginative spin doctor.  But given everything, I don’t think many people will begrudge Boris Johnson his Messiah moment.  The Prime Minister being so dangerously ill with Covid-19 … Read more

SARAH VINE: Is Prince Harry really happy to be loafing in La La Land? 

Under normal circumstances, the fact that today is the first day of Harry and Meghan’s new life as ‘ordinary’ citizens would have dominated the news. But most people have more pressing matters on their minds. Against a background of economic meltdown and the life-and-death battle against this damned virus, the plight of Harry and Meghan … Read more

Caprice slams ‘unprofessional’ Peter Andre who criticised her for Vine debate

Caprice has branded Peter Andre ‘unprofessional’ for calling her ‘foolish’ for ‘undermining a doctor’ on Jeremy Vine during a recent coronavirus debate. Pete, 47, had said in his OK! column: ‘I didn’t see Caprice Bourret’s appearance on Channel 5’s Jeremy Vine programme last week, but I heard that she was slammed by viewers for arguing … Read more