DR DAVID UNWIN and chef KATIE CALDESI show you how low-carb recipes can also be low-cost

Today, in the final part of our groundbreaking series, NHS GP Dr David Unwin explains how to make the low-carb plan budget-friendly — and how exercise can help you beat type 2 diabetes; while chef and food writer Katie Caldesi reveals her exclusive recipes for low-carb meals for under £1. As we have shown you all … Read more

DR DAVID UNWIN and chef KATIE CALDESI bring you the comfort food you can scoff and still be low carb

Today, in the third part of our life-changing series, NHS GP Dr David Unwin reveals how going low-carb has helped type 2 diabetes patients reduce their medication doses — or even come off it completely — and why it is not just those with diabetes that can benefit.  Meanwhile, chef and food writer Katie Caldesi offers … Read more

NHS expert DR DAVID UNWIN shares his revolutionary plan

How does low carb help type 2 diabetes? Rather like hybrid cars, our body is designed to burn two fuels — sugar or fat in its case. Cutting back on sugar and starchy carbohydrates that digest down into sugar means we’re better able to burn fat. This can help people with obesity, or type 2 … Read more