BA battle with unions reaches boiling point

British Airways is heading for a vicious showdown with unions after relations appeared to spiral out of control over the airline’s plan for drastic job cuts. In a flurry of incendiary briefings last night, the two parties seemed further apart than ever over proposals to lay off up to 12,000 of its 43,000 staff – more … Read more

Gabrielle Union’s husband Dwyane Wade says family was UNDER SURVEILLANCE amid her rift with NBC

Dwyane Wade says his family wound up under surveillance amid his talks between his wife Gabrielle Union and NBC after she publicly said she experienced harassment, racism and retribution during her stint on the network’s America’s Got Talent. ‘My house started being watched and my family started being followed,’ the 13-time NBA All-Star said in … Read more

Alan Johnson: Teaching unions ‘got it wrong’ over reopening schools

Teaching unions ‘got it wrong’ over reopening schools and must now back down and stop their ‘war dance’, says ex-education secretary Alan Johnson Primary schools across England will begin their phased reopening from Monday  Secondary schools will reopen to some pupils in year 10 and 12 from June 15  Alan Johnson said unions ‘got it … Read more

How dare unions use my children to score political points, asks father-of-three STEPHEN ROBINSON 

When I read in the Mail this week of the main teaching union’s disgraceful tactics to thwart the reopening of classrooms, my heart sank. And I dare say I was not alone. As the father of three state-educated children – one of them aged seven – I find it difficult to forgive Mary Bousted, the … Read more

Coronavirus: Unions says infected staff could sue headteachers

Militant unions warn headteachers they could face legal action if staff catch coronavirus as they launch latest bid to block the reopening of classrooms on June 1 A letter has been sent by unions to headteachers, warning them of legal action The missive also said unions will be advising members of their legal rights The … Read more

Doctors U-turn on support for teaching unions and say schools SHOULD reopen if they are safe

Doctors U-turn on support for teaching unions and say schools SHOULD reopen if they are safe – but doubts remain over June 1 date as scientists say track and trace must be in place first Chair of BMA’s Public Health Medicine Committee said there is ‘growing evidence that the risk to individual children from Covid-19 … Read more

Is Government set to scrap plans to reopen schools on June 1 amid huge backlash from unions?

Boris Johnson’s ambition to reopen primary schools on June 1 could be scrapped amid mass dissension from teachers, unions and growing numbers of Labour councils, it was revealed today. The Prime Minister’s spokesman said the Government would ‘listen to their concerns’ about safety and insisted opening schools in 12 days was not a ‘hard deadline’ … Read more

School unions demand special ‘bin maps’ and paintbrush cleaning wardens

Union chiefs have told teachers to demand full answers to at least 169 questions from their bosses on bin lids, tissue supplies and employing new staff to clean paint brushes, scissors and glue sticks before agreeing to return to school, it was revealed today. The National Education Union has also told its 450,000 members to … Read more

DAVID BLUNKETT: Fine words about social justice cut no ice when unions try to block schools opening

The wartime President of the United States, Franklin D Roosevelt, once proclaimed that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.  And at this critical moment, nothing could be more true – not least when it comes to the inflammatory debate about whether or not some primary-aged children should return to the classroom … Read more

Danish headteacher says schools are back in action because unions know pupils are SAFER in schools

Jesper Larsen, a headteacher in Copenhagen, Denmark, said Danish schools were able to go back to class a month ago because the country’s society respects government guidelines While British schools will not begin to reopen after lockdown until the beginning of June at the earliest, at my school here in Denmark virtually all the children … Read more