Meghan Markle’s BFF Jessica Mulroney reveals doctors found a tumour while she was pregnant

Meghan Markle’s BFF Jessica Mulroney reveals she was forced to have surgery after doctors found a tumour on a gland on her face while she was pregnant with her twin sons TV presenter and stylist Jessica Mulroney, 40, revealed experience on I do, Redo Revealed how doctors found a tumour on a gland while she … Read more

I had a brain tumour the size of an orange but still had a cocktail party on the ward 

For years there has been an avalanche of gloomy news stories about the National Health Service slowly falling apart, through lack of money, grubbiness, tottering bureaucracy and medical incompetence. You always got the impression that were you ever to find yourself in hospital, you’d better get out quick in case they accidentally kill you. Otherwise … Read more

Violinist and brain surgeon reunite after he removed her tumour without destroying talent

The strains of George Gershwin’s Summertime float down the busy corridors of King’s College Hospital in London as violinist Dagmar Turner delivers a near-perfect performance. For a follow-up medical review, it’s rather unorthodox. But consultant neurosurgeon Professor Keyoumars Ashkan listens with rapt attention and delight. The last time he heard Dagmar play this aria was … Read more