University of York academics ‘cancel’ the three wise monkeys

That’s bananas! University of York academics ‘cancel’ the three wise monkeys after deciding the centuries-old characters are an oppressive racial stereotype Art history conference organisers used image of them in promotional material They have long symbolised the proverbial ‘see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil’ Image became popular in Japan in the 17th … Read more

Macaque monkeys in Bali steal valuables from tourists and trade them for food

Monkeys at a Bali temple steal PHONES from tourists and demand food before giving them back in ‘unprecedented example of animal economics’, scientists discover Researchers studied behaviour of macaque monkeys living at Uluwata temple  Found they steal items from tourists and barter food for their safe return   Older monkeys also try and nab high-value items … Read more

Monkeys playing a video game prove primates hate ‘sunk costs’ as much as humans do

Many people hate to walk away from a situation they’ve invested significant time, money or resources on, even if it’s hopeless. Those wasted efforts are called ‘sunk costs’ and the more you spend, the more you’re likely to keep at it.  It turns out our primate cousins act the same way,  according to a new … Read more

NASA laboratory ‘humanely euthanized’ 27 of its research monkeys in one day due to ‘advancing age’

All the monkeys at a NASA research center were put to death on the same day last year, according to documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request. In all, 27 primates at the Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California, were euthanized on February 2, 2019, The Guardian reported. The animals were older, … Read more

Newsreader Simon McCoy fights tears of laughter as he delivers report on pianist playing to monkeys

Monkey business! BBC newsreader Simon McCoy fights tears of laughter as he delivers a bizarre report on a pianist playing to a colony of macaques in Thailand The veteran journalist, 59, appeared to be caught off guard during the broadcast He was forced to stifle his laughter as he introduced and concluded segment Mr McCoy … Read more

Adult monkeys are seen feasting on a 10-day old infant from their group

Capuchin monkeys have been observed eating the remains of an infant monkey for the first time, a rare instance of cannibalism among New World primates. Researchers studying Panamanian white-faced capuchins in Costa Rica witnessed a 10-day-old infant fall from a tree. It’s mother attempted to rescue the offspring but it soon died and she quickly … Read more

Hungry monkeys raid a box of bread in Thailand

Food fight! Moment hungry monkeys swarm over a box of bread in Thai city where thousands of macaques run riot A troop of hungry monkeys were filmed in Lopburi in Thailand by local people The monkeys normally get fed by thousands of tourists who visit the area However, the continuing Covid-19 crisis has destroyed the … Read more

Russia spreads fake news claiming Oxford coronavirus vaccine will turn people into MONKEYS

Russia spreads fake news claiming Oxford coronavirus vaccine will turn people into MONKEYS in social media disinformation campaign Russian propagandists are targeting the Oxford vaccine with monkey memes Designed to confuse and instil fear in the populace and broadcast on state TV  Show Boris Johnson as bigfoot and chimp in AstraZeneca coat holding a syringe  … Read more

Monkeys have holes drilled in their skulls at Belgian university

Horrific photos of lab monkeys with holes drilled in their skulls and rods CEMENTED to their heads by Belgian university scientists in ‘cruel’ brain experiments Rhesus monkeys have electrodes implanted in their brains at Leuven university Activists say most of them will be killed once the ‘cruel’ experiments are over University says they are necessary … Read more