Tucker Carlson blasts Joe Biden’s equity orders that he claims would ‘disgust’ Martin Luther King Jr

‘Believe what we say, or else’: Tucker Carlson blasts Democrats’ meaning of racial ‘equity’ saying that Martin Luther King would be ‘disgusted’ by new orders which treat Republicans like ‘jihadis’ Joe Biden signed four executive orders Tuesday to promote racial ‘equity’  Carlson says the policies will harm anyone the Democrats consider ‘privileged’ It will also … Read more

JOE WICKS shows you his hot tips for staying lean in lockdown

Feel like you’ve made a million meals over the past few months? Me too. Having to cook three times a day, seven days a week is exhausting and relentless and often ends up with us ordering takeaways or heating up ready meals. They’re loaded with fat, sugar and carbs and make us feel exhausted, bloated … Read more

Joe Biden calls Russia’s Vladimir Putin for the first time as president

BREAKING NEWS: Joe Biden has first call with Vladimir Putin and raised detention of opposition leader Alexei Navalny and warned he will consider sanctions over Solar Wind cyberhack and ‘bounties on U.S. troops’ President Joe Biden has phoned Russian President Vladimir Putin Tuesday Called to discuss renewing New START nuclear treaty Also raised ‘concerns’ including … Read more

Joe Biden calls Russia’s Vladimir Putin for the first time as president

BREAKING NEWS: Joe Biden has first call with Vladimir Putin and raised detention of opposition leader Alexei Navalny and warned he will consider sanctions over Solar Wind cyberhack and ‘bounties on U.S. troops’ President Joe Biden has phoned Russian President Vladimir Putin Tuesday Called to discuss renewing New START nuclear treaty Also raised ‘concerns’ including … Read more

Several hundred of Joe Biden’s staff have gotten the COVID vaccine already

Several hundred of Joe Biden’s staff have gotten the COVID vaccine already in drive to ensure everyone working at the White House is inoculated Hundreds of staff in office of the president have been vaccinated Top staff and nominees also got vaccinated in early January Biden received two shots before taking office VP Kamala Harris … Read more

Joe Biden will order national policing commission in wake of George Floyd’s death

Joe Biden will order national policing commission in wake of George Floyd’s death, restrict cops’ access to military equipment and sign order on housing equality as he stakes out agenda on race today By Nikki Schwab, Senior U.S. Political Reporter For Dailymail.com Published: 18:22 GMT, 26 January 2021 | Updated: 18:24 GMT, 26 January 2021 … Read more

Joe Wicks’s meals to keep you motivated

So, you’ve committed to new ways of eating and exercising — but come the middle of the week you’re wavering. Then there’s the small matter of lockdown . . . It’s a test for even the most driven among us. Don’t throw in the towel! Remember, these new routines are going to make you healthier, … Read more

Joe Biden increases vaccine target to 1.5m a day even though it was achieved on inauguration day

Joe Biden said he believed that the U.S. will be able to offer vaccines to every American who wants one ‘in spring,’ Monday, amid questions over how ambitious his rollout for the shots is. He also increased his goal of 1 million vaccines a day to 1.5 million Monday, predicting his administration would reach that point … Read more

Joe and Jill Biden’s dogs move into the White House

President Joe Biden’s move into the White House is now complete, after his two much-loved dogs made their official arrival at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue over the weekend.  The 78-year-old and his wife, First Lady Jill Biden, shared images of their pooches, Champ and Major, settling in at the White House on Monday morning – while … Read more