Priti Patel wants new powers to curb illegal migrants sneaking into UK and calls for law change

Priti Patel has launched a major push for controversial new powers designed to tackle the Channel migrant crisis, the Daily Mail can reveal. The Home Secretary has told Border Force chiefs to examine whether they have the legal authority to turn migrant boats around in the Channel – and send them back to France. If … Read more

Up to 200 revellers hug each other and inhale ‘hippy crack’ during 12-hour illegal rave

Up to 200 revellers were seen hugging and inhaling ‘hippy crack’ during a 12-hour illegal rave at a nature reserve before it was broken up by police for breaching lockdown rules.   Shocking footage shows the revellers hugging, dancing together, drinking and breathing in laughing gas from balloons. The rave kicked off around 6pm shortly after … Read more

Crazy scenes see 400 fans launch pitch invasion during illegal football match in France

Crazy scenes see 400 fans launch pitch invasion during ‘illegal’ football match under lockdown in France as authorities slam those attending game branded as a potential ‘virus bomb’ Authorities were left stunned at ‘illegal’ football match in Strasbourg The eastern France region has a mass gathering ban of more than 10 people  Invasion took place … Read more

Locals hit back! Father blasts ‘millennial attitude’ after illegal party at Lancashire beauty spot

A father has blasted ‘millennial attitude’ after an illegal party at a beauty spot as a police chief tells hordes of tourists to stay away from the Peak District and an angry jogger kicks a car at a beach in Cornwall ahead of the bank holiday weekend. James Bunting, 41, from Bolton visited Stoney Bank … Read more

Flying into the height of madness: No checks on illegal BA holidaymakers

Most of us are in dire straits in lockdown, confined with cabin fever and wanderlust. We’ve followed the rules to the letter, only leaving home where necessary and avoiding beloved friends and family. Yet while many of us haven’t ventured past the garden gate since March, a curious phenomenon taunts us: the planes in the sky. … Read more

Italy will give 600,000 illegal migrants the right to stay

Italy will give 600,000 illegal migrants the right to stay after government said they proved essential caring for elderly and picking crops during coronavirus crisis Migrants have worked in fields across the country to protect vital food supplies  The permits won’t give migrants the right to vote but will be valid for six months  100,000 … Read more

Millionaire could face jail for ‘refusing to tear down’ illegal 10,000 sq ft ‘man cave’

A millionaire who illegally built ‘Britain’s best man cave’ in his garden could be facing jail – after he ‘refused’ to tear it down following a High Court battle. Wealthy accountant Graham Wildin, 68, installed a bowling alley, cinema, squash courts, private casino and bar in the plush extension in the sprawling to his home … Read more

Should smacking your children be made illegal?

Tanity Carey (pictured) argues smacking children should be banned in England  YES By Tanith Carey, Parenting author and mum of two Now that Jersey has brought in a complete ban on smacking, with Scotland and Wales to follow, it’s a national embarrassment that England’s leaders haven’t done the same. It makes us one of only four … Read more

Priti Patel signals fresh crackdown on illegal migrants crossing English Channel

Priti Patel signals fresh crackdown on illegal migrants crossing the English Channel as she also vows to tackle ‘vexatious’ asylum claims Home Secretary conceded there has been a spike in English Channel activity  She said UK is working with France on new system to return illegal migrants  She also vowed a crackdown on ‘vexatious’ immigration … Read more

Deported illegal immigrant sneaked back into UK before killing father-of-two in hit-and-run

Deported illegal immigrant with no driving licence or insurance had sneaked back into Britain two months before killing motorcyclist father-of-two in hit-and-run crash Admir Isufaj, 26, caused a collision at a crossroads near Kibworth, Leicestershire Steven Duval from Braunstone was hit by Isufaj’s Mini while riding his motorcycle Isufaj had earlier been released from prison … Read more