Sir Lindsay Hoyle tells MPs not to name Tory MP arrested on suspicion of rape

Commons Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle tells MPs not to name Tory MP arrested on suspicion of rape as the suspect agrees ‘not to attend the House of Commons’ while on bail Sir Lindsay Hoyle said it would be ‘wholly inappropriate’ for MPs to name the MP Sir Lindsay said the MP had ‘agreed not to … Read more

ANTONIA HOYLE and her family try hundreds of new taste-alike products

Not since Nigella recommended roast lettuce has such upset been unleashed on middle-class kitchens.  When it was announced last February that Waitrose’s 19-year partnership with Ocado was ending, with arch-rival Marks & Spencer taking its place, wails of disbelief reverberated off granite worktops around Britain. What next for those who want Waitrose sourdough? Or the … Read more

ANTONIA HOYLE and family find you really can enjoy the flap of luxury while camping 

Campsites are bursting at the seams. And thanks to chic new kit — from a portable cinema to chandeliers — Antonia Hoyle and family find you really can enjoy the flap of luxury THIS TENT’S AN AIR-RAISING EXPERIENCE Kepler 9 Nightfall Air Tent, £1,070, Not so much a tent as a bungalow in a … Read more

Sir Lindsay Hoyle spends £7,500 replacing John Bercow’s ‘worn-out’ bed in the Palace of Westminster 

New Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle spends £7,500 of taxpayers’ money replacing John Bercow’s ‘worn-out’ bed in the Palace of Westminster Sir Lindsay Hoyle has spent a total of £12,636 doing up his four-bedroom flat This included £7,523 on mattresses and bedding, according to an explanation The Commons Speaker spent £2,600 on cleaning and polishing furniture … Read more

Lindsay Hoyle threatens to kick Matt Hancock out of Commons

‘Do you want to leave the chamber’: Moment Sir Lindsay Hoyle TELLS OFF Matt Hancock and threatens to chuck him out of the Commons for speaking over Sir Keir Starmer at PMQs Matt Hancock challenged Sir Keir Starmer during PMQs over care home testing  The Health Secretary interrupted Sir Keir as he asked Boris Johnson … Read more

Parliament like you’ve never seen it before: Speaker Lindsay Hoyle unveils ‘virtual’ Commons

MPs are expected to approve plans for a ‘virtual’ Parliament today, ahead of a socially distanced Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesday. If the new historic proposals are accepted by MPs on Tuesday, the Speaker of the House of Commons, Sir Linsday Hoyle, will preside over a House of Commons the likes of which we have … Read more

Speaker Lindsay Hoyle tells MPs to ‘stay away’ from Commons

Speaker Lindsay Hoyle tells MPs to ‘stay away’ from House of Commons after calling for a ‘virtual’ Parliament Sir Lindsay Hoyle has urged Ministers not to put themselves and staff at risk Told MPs to stay home rather than travel to Westminster when Commons returns Comes after he urged Government to find ways for Parliament … Read more

The Zoom Parliament? Speaker Lindsay Hoyle backs plans for a ‘virtual’ House of Commons

The Zoom Parliament? Speaker Lindsay Hoyle backs plans for a ‘virtual’ House of Commons to allow ministers to face scrutiny if it is not safe for MPs to return to Westminster due to coronavirus later this month The Speaker became the most senior figure to demand new measures be taken MPs are currently on a … Read more