Problem gamblers, shopaholics and compulsive eaters could be CURED by zapping brains

Problem gamblers, shopaholics and compulsive eaters could have their brains ‘re-tuned’ by zapping them with electricity, study suggests The non-invasive technique involves placing electrodes on a patient’s scalp The electrodes deliver currents at specific frequencies to ‘re-tune’ brainwaves During tests, the technique reduced obsessive-compulsive behaviours for up to 3 months, with largest improvements in those … Read more

Late eaters are more likely to gain weight, study finds

Late eaters who have their biggest meals after 6pm are more likely to gain weight because they consume MORE calories overall and have an unhealthier diet, study finds Total calorie intake is higher for people who eat later, a study of 1,200 found Science has suggested in the past that people are hungrier later in … Read more

Vegetarians and vegans are more introverted than meat eaters

Vegetarians and vegans are more introverted than meat eaters and it could be because they’re not invited to eat out as often, a study has suggested.  Researchers from Germany surveyed 9,000 people concerning their diet, body mass index and various personality traits — from extroversion to neuroticism.  They found that meat eaters typically have a … Read more

Some people are ’emotional eaters’ and enjoy the taste of food more when sad

Comfort eating is not just a cliche: Some people are ’emotional eaters’ and enjoy the taste of food more when they’re feeling down, study shows Female students reaction to food was studied under different emotional states  They found emotional eaters found food tastier and eat more when feeling down This didn’t apply to restrictive eaters … Read more