Jaycee Baso shares her recipe to make the perfect potato wedges without using a deep fryer

How to make PERFECT potato wedges without using a deep fryer – and the trick to making them crispy every time A home cook has shared her simple recipe to make crispy potato wedges    Jaycee Baso uploaded a video on TikTok showing how she made the wedges She revealed how she made them crunchy on outside, … Read more

Trump shares ‘deep fake’ GIF of Joe Biden sticking his tongue out in series of late-night posts

President Trump retweeted a ‘deep fake’ GIF of Joe Biden in series of late night messages after announcing his coronavirus briefings will be canceled. Trump last night shared an animation of the Democrat presidential hopeful repeatedly sticking his tongue out with the caption ‘Sloppy Joe’. The post came as the president also retweeted himself three … Read more

Coronavirus survivor told by doctors practising deep breathing methods saved him from a ventilator

A man who was hospitalised with coronavirus but has since overcome it, believes he may have done so due to practising deep breathing exercises. Rob Thomas, 59, contracted Covid-19 at the end of March and was sent to Gloucester Royal Hospital where he was admitted to intensive care. The family of Mr Thomas, who had … Read more

SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE: Tom Daley takes up knitting but it’s sending his husband off the deep end! 

Tom Daley’s husband goes off the deep end about his knitting! Olympic diver Tom Daley’s new knitting hobby, which he has taken up to keep him occupied during self-isolation, is not going down too well with his husband, film producer Dustin Lance Black. ‘Why am I the one who at night is going to bed, … Read more

MARKET REPORT: Informa eyes £1bn cash call as virus cuts deep

MARKET REPORT: Exhibitions and events organiser Informa goes cap in hand to investors to raise as much as £1bn to weather coronavirus pandemic By Francesca Washtell For The Daily Mail Published: 22:29 BST, 16 April 2020 | Updated: 22:32 BST, 16 April 2020 Exhibitions and events organiser Informa has gone cap in hand to investors … Read more

At least six people killed as Easter storms and tornadoes pound the Deep South

Strong storms pounded the Deep South on Sunday, killing at least six people in south Mississippi and damaging up to 300 homes and other buildings in northern Louisiana. Mississippi Emergency Management Agency director Greg Michel said one person killed was in Walthall County, two were killed in Lawrence County and three were killed in Jefferson … Read more

NHS coronavirus volunteers include around 500 deep sea drivers ready to help out

Five hundred deep-sea divers are drafted in to help NHS: Breathing experts volunteer to join overloaded intensive care medics to fight coronavirus More than 500 deep-sea divers bought in to bolster the NHS frontline Divers are being brought in as they have experience with breathing difficulties It comes as demand for oxygen has become ‘exceptionally … Read more

JOHN HUMPHRYS: I feel a chill when our politics goes in the deep freeze

As close encounters go, it was the sort most of us have probably experienced at least once over the past few weird weeks.  The lines in my small local supermarket had been clearly marked. There was one customer in front of me and she was fishing around in her bag for her credit card. I … Read more

Meet the man who’s been clearing the nation’s junk and now also offers Covid-19 deep cleans 

In the race to fight Covid-19, many businesses are pivoting from what they traditionally offer to provide essential services – generating a new income stream in the process. While Mercedes F1 engineers have turned their attention to producing ventilators for example, Brendan O’Shea’s business, Just Clear, has bolted on Covid-19 decontamination services in addition to … Read more

PETER HITCHENS: The deep velvet quiet of our cities is as terrifying as a fire bell in the night

The sound of silence now spreads across the country as the economy dies. As I walk through my home town, I see even the few brave small shops closing earlier and earlier as the customers vanish. I ask them how business is – carefully keeping the prescribed distance – and they give me strained smiles as … Read more