Vaccine battle as EU threatens to BLOCK Pfizer jabs going to UK

Furious Tories today warned that the EU will ‘poison’ relations for ‘a generation’ if it follows through on extraordinary threats to block Pfizer vaccines going to the UK – as ministers insisted they are ‘confident’ supplies will be maintained. Amid a shambolic rollout across the bloc, Brussels has demanded drug firms give them early warning … Read more

Covid: White House has NO IDEA how many vaccines are in the US

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki admitted on Monday officials had no idea how many vaccines were in reserve across the US The White House on Monday admitted that it has no idea how many COVID vaccines there are in the country.  Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked at the daily briefing if the new … Read more

Covid UK: South African strain ‘may make vaccine 50% less effective’

The mutant South African coronavirus variant may make the current crop of vaccines 50 per cent less effective, Matt Hancock has sensationally claimed. In footage obtained by MailOnline, the Health Secretary warned allowing the variant to become the dominant strain in the UK could ruin Britain’s vaccination drive and send the country ‘back to square … Read more

Covid UK: People refusing vaccine WON’T be protected by neighbours

Britons who refuse to take coronavirus vaccines will not enjoy protection even if their neighbours are immunised, scientists warned today. University of East Anglia experts yesterday claimed the current crop of Covid jabs will never allow Britain to reach ‘herd immunity’ – when so many people are immune to a virus that it can’t spread … Read more

Covid US: Joe Biden promises ‘wartime effort’ to get vaccine to 100m

President Joe Biden on Thursday called for the nation to summon a ‘full scale war-time effort’ to beat back the coronavirus – but snapped when questioned about the ambition of his new 100 million-shot goal.  Biden made the revealing comment as he signed new executive orders to speed vaccine delivery and called wearing a mask a … Read more

Covid UK: Herd immunity may not be achievable even if ALL vaccinated

Vaccinating every single person in the UK will still not be enough to achieve herd immunity, a new study claims.   Analysis from the University of East Anglia (UEA) found that the efficacy of the currently available vaccines, combined with the emergence of new more infectious strains of the virus, put herd immunity out of reach.   … Read more

Covid UK: Government only has to OFFER 13.9m vaccine to hit target

Ministers are facing questions over the vaccination target today as they could claim success with far fewer than 13.9million people given jabs. Boris Johnson has set the target of inoculating the four highest priority groups by February 15, warning that it will be ‘very hard’. But although the PM and other ministers have suggested it … Read more

Hospitals ignoring dose-spacing ‘could lose Covid vaccine licence’

NHS hospitals could be banned from giving out Covid vaccines if they don’t stick to the strategy of delaying second doses by three months or longer. A leaked internal memo sent to staff at an NHS trust in Southampton warned second doses must not be given out too soon. Britain has gone against vaccine manufacturers’ … Read more

Covid UK: Daily death rate hits 1,820 peak though infections fall

Britain today recorded its deadliest day of the Covid pandemic for second day in a row with 1,820 more victims, as the overall death toll creeps ever closer to the grim 100,000 milestone. Department of Health data shows nearly 20,000 fatalities have been recorded in 2021 already, with today’s figure being a 16 per cent … Read more

Covid UK: Care home devastated by outbreak gets first vaccine doses

A Lincolnshire care home where two-thirds of its elderly residents were killed by coronavirus was today given the life-saving vaccine. The Old Hall at Halton Holegate, near Spilsby, revealed the jabs had happened onsite in a huge boost for staff and people living there. Manager Diane Vale took to social media to announce the happy … Read more