Janet Street-Porter: Boris Johnson’s vaccine strategy has enraged EU

Boris has blundered his way through this crisis – but his decision to invest in four different vaccines, ordering over 200 million doses to protect Brits against Covid-19 was a masterstroke. That inspired strategy won’t cancel out the depressing fact that the UK will probably see up to 150,000 people (we’ve already achieved the highest … Read more

Covid: EU still negotiating for Novavax vaccine UK bought months ago

The war between the EU and AstraZeneca deepened on Friday as Brussels published a redacted version of the confidential vaccines contract it signed with the drug-maker. The EU hopes publishing the contract will force AstraZeneca to supply it with millions of jabs manufactured at UK factories to make up for shortfalls at a Belgian plant … Read more

EU vaccine: Europe still negotiating for Novavax jabs that UK bought five months ago

The EU’s vaccine shambles descended further into chaos today as it emerged the bloc has not yet signed a deal to buy British-made Novavax jabs which passed phase III trials yesterday with a 90% success rate.  Ministers from the EU commission only completed ‘exploratory’ talks to buy Novavax, which is being made in a Tesside … Read more

EU to unveil vaccine export crackdown plans as row over supplies grows

Brussels will unveil dramatic new powers tomorrow that could see the shipment of millions of vaccine doses to Britain being blocked within days. As the row over the EU jabs shortage intensifies, the European Commission will establish a mechanism to allow member states to refuse vaccine exports. The move will heighten fears about whether Britain’s … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon accused of taking EU’s side in vaccine supply row

Nicola Sturgeon was accused of taking the EU’s side in the bitter vaccine row today as she vowed to publish details of the UK’s supplies despite Boris Johnson ordering her to keep them secret. In an extraordinary move, the First Minister risked undermining Britain’s position, with Brussels heaping pressure on firms to give the bloc … Read more

Wrexham industrial estate where Covid vaccine produced is EVACUATED

Factory that produces and stores Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is EVACUATED after it was sent a ‘suspicious package’ as bomb squad are called to site on industrial estate in north Wales A bomb disposal squad has been called to the Wockhardt pharmaceutical facility Staff at the site – in Wrexham Industrial Estate – received  the parcel this morning … Read more

Covid England: Vaccine supply to North West ‘to be cut by a THIRD’

The supply of coronavirus vaccines to the North West of England could be cut by a third next month so doses can be diverted to parts of the country further behind in their rollout to the over-80s. NHS England figures reveal the North West had vaccinated the second-highest proportion of its over-80s, reaching two thirds of … Read more

Scammers offer NHS Covid vaccinations online to steal bank details

Sophisticated scammers are exploiting Britain’s mass vaccination programme by sending out bogus emails and text messages purporting to be from the NHS offering a Covid jab. Those targeted are told that they have been chosen, ‘on the basis of family genetics and medical history’ and are given the option to accept or decline the invitation. … Read more

Pregnant women should NOT take Moderna Covid-19 vaccine, says WHO

The World Health Organization (WHO) is warning that Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine should not be used on pregnant women – affecting more than three million expectant mothers in the U.S. No vaccine trials to date have included pregnant women – and they are not expected to until after the first quarter of 2021 – meaning there … Read more

Russian biochemist who created novichok invents Covid-19 drug

Russian biochemist who created NOVICHOK invents new drug to tackle Covid-19 Dr Lenoid Rink was involved in the secret Soviet development of Novichok  Novichok was used on the Skripals in Britain in 2012 and Alexei Navalny last year The new coronavirus-tackling drug is based on a Soviet medicine for leprosy  Rink said the formulation has … Read more