Chancellor Rishi Sunak warns of economic ‘scarring’ from coronavirus

Chancellor Rishi Sunak warns of economic ‘scarring’ from coronavirus saying there might not be an ‘immediate bounceback’ – as he hints self-employed bailout will not carry on past June Chancellor Rishi Sunak has been giving evidence to a House of Lords committee Warned of economic ‘scarring’ from covid and recovery may not be ‘immediate’ Hinted … Read more

Government borrowing is set to soar to nearly £300BILLION this year, OBR warns

Government borrowing is set to soar to nearly £300billion this year with the debt mountain growing bigger than the whole economy, new estimates found today. The OBR’s latest ‘scenario’ for the crisis sticks to dire suggestions that the economy will shrink 35 per cent in this quarter – more than predicted by the Bank of England. … Read more

Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey tries to calm fears over recession

The Bank of England has moved to calm fears over coronavirus triggering the deepest recession for 300 years, insisting it can ‘spread the cost’ to society. Governor Andrew Bailey said the downturn due to lockdown was ‘very sharp’, but said the Bank is buying up a ‘much larger’ stock of government debt than could have … Read more

Bank of England chief economist didn’t take maths A-level

Bank of England chief economist reveals he didn’t take A-level maths and struggles with homeschooling his children in the subject because he’s ‘not a natural’ Andy Haldane, 52, revealed that he had to teach himself A-level maths skills The Bank of England’s chief economist urged people to refresh their maths To mark National Numeracy Day … Read more

Bank of England warns UK GDP will slump 14 PER CENT this year

Bank of England warns coronavirus crisis will see GDP slump nearly 30 PER CENT in the first half of this year and push the economy to worst recession for 300 YEARS By James Tapsfield, Political Editor For Mailonline Published: 07:33 BST, 7 May 2020 | Updated: 07:44 BST, 7 May 2020 UK GDP will slump … Read more

Now banks are accused of charging business clients fees for non-existent services

Banks have been trying to squeeze extra fees out of businesses in return for helping them through the coronavirus crisis, Britain’s banking regulator revealed today.   The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has written to lenders warning them not to mistreat their customers after learning some were demanding cash for no actual work. Most British banks have already been … Read more

One in four companies has stopped trading because of coronavirus lockdown as UK faces economic slump

One in four companies has stopped trading because of lockdown as ‘UK faces its worst economic slump for hundreds of years’ More than nine in ten firms have sought taxpayer support from a bailout scheme New analysis shows the Government deficit will likely hit £260billion this year The unemployment rate is likely to rise from … Read more

Bank of England boss Andrew Bailey warns that lifting the lockdown too soon would cause WORSE damage

The governor of the Bank of England today issues a stark warning that Britain should be cautious about lifting the coronavirus lockdown too early. In his first interview since taking the top job, Andrew Bailey told the Daily Mail that a premature end to the restrictions could cause a severe loss of confidence and inflict … Read more

Auction set for faulty Bank of England notes expected to sell for £6,000 as some miss Queen’s face 

Can YOU spot what’s wrong with these bank notes? Collection of £5, £10, and £20 notes printed by the Bank of England that didn’t quite make the grade are tipped to sell for £6,000 at auction A collector’s haul of faulty notes will go on sale at Dix Noonan Webb of London Two of the … Read more

Gavin Williamson fears keeping schools shut until Whitsun could cause issues

Have you, like me, had enough yet? This is the fourth week of school closures and tempers in my household are starting to fray. Not a day seems to go by without me shouting at my 13-year-old daughter to get out of bed, to put her phone down and to tidy up after herself. When … Read more