Health: Epigenetic clock could shed light on how swiftly brains age and the risk of Alzheimer’s

Epigenetic clock could shed light on how swiftly people’s brains age and how prone they are to diseases like Alzheimer’s, scientists claim Individuals age — and experience related complications — at different rates Researchers from Exeter studied DNA methylation in the human cortex Methylation data can be used to determine markers of biological ageing The newly developed clock could … Read more

Living in a noisy area raises risk of developing Alzheimer’s, new research suggests 

Living in a noisy area raises risk of developing Alzheimer’s, new research suggests Scientists found a sound-level rise of just 10 decibels increased the risk by 30% The noise increase also led to 36% higher odds of mild cognitive impairment Experts looked at risk factors including noise from roads, railways, aircraft, industry and construction work … Read more

William H. Gates, the father of Bill Gates, dies aged 94 after a battle with Alzheimer’s

William H. Gates II, the father of Microsoft co-founder and the world’s second richest man Bill Gates, has died at the age of 94, the family announced on Tuesday. In a moving message, his son paid tribute to an ‘amazing and dignified man’ who was a ‘quiet influence on almost everything I have done in life.’ … Read more

Alzheimer’s zapped: Scientist launch landmark trial to treat dementia

Alzheimer’s zapped: Scientist launch landmark trial to treat dementia by sending electric currents deep into the brain Imperial College London and UK Dementia Research Institute got a $1.5m grant It came from US philanthropists, including Bill Gates, to trial the new technology Researchers chose 24 patients with early-stage Alzheimer’s to have the therapy After dozens of … Read more

‘Morning people’ who wake up early at higher risk of Alzheimer’s

Is early rising the first sign of Alzheimer’s? ‘Morning people’ who wake up early have higher risk of the disease, study suggests Scientists discovered higher risk of Alzheimer’s was associated with early rising  Those with twice genetic risk are one per cent more likely to be ‘morning people’  The results of the study do not … Read more

I can tell the time but can’t draw a clock… that’s scary: BONNIE ESTRIDGE’S life with Alzheimer’s

As I write this, it’s 10.30am. I know because I’ve just had a look at my wristwatch. It’s the old-fashioned kind, with hands.  Of course, mine has added diamante bling – it’s from TK Maxx, naturally – and I love the way it sparkles. I’ve got no problem telling the time and, despite all the … Read more

Beat type 2 diabetes in middle age – and you could fight off Alzheimer’s

Not for nothing has type 2 diabetes been dubbed ‘a 21st Century epidemic’. Year after year, numbers continue to spiral upward. At the last count, one in ten Britons over 40 are living with a diagnosis – and this condition eats up a tenth of the annual £134billion NHS budget. And, over the past decade, … Read more

A blood test for Alzheimer’s that’s almost 100% accurate

A simple blood test can diagnose Alzheimer’s disease, sometimes decades before symptoms even begin. Scientists revealed a protein involved in the damage of brain cells accumulates in the blood of patients up to 20 years before memory declines.   P-tau217 clumps abnormally in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients — and some tiny fragments can leak into … Read more

Pneumonia vaccine may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s by up to 40%, study finds

Pneumonia vaccine may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s by up to 40%, study finds – as evidence mounts that shots could boost the immune system to protect the brain Researchers looked at the medical records of more than 5,100 people aged 65 or older They found that receiving the pneumonia vaccine reduces the risk of … Read more

Just one flu jab could cut the risk of Alzheimer’s by 17 per cent, research suggests 

Just one flu jab could cut the risk of Alzheimer’s by 17 per cent, research suggests A study found flu vaccines may reduce the chance of developing Alzheimer’s  Those who had a single flu jab were 17 per cent less likely to have Alzheimer’s The study of 9,000 people was described by experts as ‘intriguing’ … Read more