‘We’ve all got the virus, na na na na!’ British tourists taunt police with coronavirus in Benidorm

British tourists have been filmed chanting ‘we’ve all got the flu, na na na na!’ and taunting police in Spain as they defy the country’s lockdown during the coronavirus outbreak. 

Shocking footage shows at least 50 Britons, some topless and others appearing to sip from cans of beer, yelling outside a block of flats in Benidorm as officers try to get them back inside.

Spain, which is experiencing the second largest outbreak in Europe, has entered a state of emergency banning people from going outside except to buy food, go to work, or get medical help for 15-days.

The country’s cases have jumped by 1,000 in the last 24 hours to 8,744. It has reported 297 deaths from the virus. 

Brits outside flats in Benidorm, Spain

Shocking footage shows at least 50 Britons standing outside a block of flats in Benidorm, Spain, as they defy the country’s coronavirus lockdown

Some were topless while others were seen clutching cans of beer outside the flats

Spanish police arrived to escort the Britons inside

Some were topless while others were seen clutching cans of beer outside the flats

Officers pictured above after clearing the British tourists and sending them back inside

Officers pictured above after clearing the British tourists and sending them back inside

Spain is grappling with Europe's second largest outbreak of coronavirus

Spain is grappling with Europe’s second largest outbreak of coronavirus

The video, filmed from a balcony, shows Britons standing around outside a block of flats while others sit on chairs.

The crowd starts chanting as Spanish police arrive and brandish batons as they attempt to get the group back inside. Sirens can be heard in the background. 

The Britons can then be heard jeering at the officers, which are trying to maintain the curfew, before slowly shuffling back inside. 

The clip was posted on Twitter on Saturday with the caption: ‘The police clearing away English tourists, already cooked the terraces of Benidorm.’ 

It is believed to have been filmed at the Trebol Apartments in Benidorm’s Levante Beach area at 3pm on Saturday. 

Comments underneath the video state ‘get them back to the UK!’ and ‘what unconsciousness, irresponsibility and stupidity’.

Drunken British tourists defied Spain's state of emergency repeatedly on Saturday as millions of Spaniards remained in their homes

The group pictured shouting and chanting in Benidorm

Drunken British tourists defied Spain’s state of emergency repeatedly on Saturday as millions of Spaniards remained in their homes

In what is believed to be the same incident, two officers had to call for reinforcements to get Brits at the Trebol apartments in Benidorm back inside on Saturday

In what is believed to be the same incident, two officers had to call for reinforcements to get Brits at the Trebol apartments in Benidorm back inside on Saturday

Police in Benidorm had run-ins with Brits as they tried to disperse large groups who had spent much of the day drinking take-away alcohol on the streets on Saturday

Police in Benidorm had run-ins with Brits as they tried to disperse large groups who had spent much of the day drinking take-away alcohol on the streets on Saturday

A separate clip of what is believed to be the same incident shows Brits drinking out of one-litre lager bottles and cans.

One could be overheard telling a police officer: ‘We’re not causing any trouble, we’re just walking away.’

Reinforcements were called as two officers struggled to get the British tourists to move. They reportedly used force and pushed several people away.

There have been several reports of officers clashing with drunken Britons in the area. 

A woman was arrested for sunbathing in Palma, Mallorca, today.

Britons pictured quarantined in their holiday apartments in Benidorm today

Britons pictured quarantined in their holiday apartments in Benidorm today

Spaniards and Brits queue to get essential supplies from supermarkets today

Spaniards and Brits queue to get essential supplies from supermarkets today

A Spanish police officer wearing a face mask tells two Britons to get back to their holiday accommodation in Benidorm today

A Spanish police officer wearing a face mask tells two Britons to get back to their holiday accommodation in Benidorm today

The UK’s foreign office has advised against ‘all but essential’ travel to Spain during the outbreak.

Airlines have promised to send aircraft to take Britons stranded in the country back to the UK.

Spain’s emergency measures have restricted people going outside except to collect food or essential medicines. They must explain why they are out of the house to officers.

All cafes, shops, restaurants and bars in the country have been put on lockdown and all large public gatherings have been cancelled. 

Spain’s prime minister Pedro Sanchez, whose wife has been diagnosed with the virus, has warned Britons not to behave as though they are on holiday if they are in the country. 

Millions of Spanish citizens have obeyed the curfew. Residents of the capital, Madrid, were filmed clapping emergency services from their balconies over the weekend.