Trump threatens Seattle over protest zone as he blasts Democrats who ‘don’t love our country’

Trump slams defund police lawlessness across the US and says Chicago is ‘worse than Afghanistan’ and ‘like living in hell’ then blames Democrats ‘who don’t love our country’ and ‘are taking over’

  • President Donald Trump takes hits at Seattle, Democrats and John Bolton in an interview with Fox News Thursday night
  •  He threatened ‘we’re going to go in there’ if Settle officials do not intervene in the autonomous protest zone in the city
  • Trump claimed that if his rival Joe Biden were to be elected he would ‘have that be the whole country’
  • ‘He wasn’t smart. He wasn’t sharp,’ Trump said of John Bolton


President Donald Trump compared some U.S. cities to Afghanistan as he blasted protesters attempting to pull down statues as ‘troublemakers’ and ‘anarchists’. 

Speaking in a Fox News interview with Sean Hannity on Thursday night, the president claimed that living in cites like Chicago, Detroit, Oakland and Baltimore was ‘like living in hell’ as he called for stop and frisk tactics to be used to cut down crime. 

‘It’s not a racist statement,’ Trump said. ‘Black people come up to me and say “thank you”. They want help.’  

Trump placed the blame with ‘Democrat-run’ cities where protests against racial injustice are ongoing, saying they ‘don’t love our country’ and are ‘taking over’.     

President Donald Trump blasted Seattle officials in an interview with Fox on Thursday

The president threatened to take action to shut down an autonomous protest zone in the city

The president threatened to take action to shut down an autonomous protest zone in the city

He also threatened to intervene in Seattle if authorities did not work to dismantle the autonomous protest zone established there. 

‘If they don’t do something with Seattle, we’re going to do that – we’re going to go in there,’ Trump told host Hannity. 

‘Because what’s happening, they’re taking over American cities. In all cases, its Democrats. They’re Democrat-run, in all cases.’  

During Hannity’s show, the president was heard twice stating that demonstrators who try to topple statues to due tear them down should be hit with a jail sentence of up to ten years, claiming that more than 100 people have been arrested so far. 

‘If they want to knock down a statue, they get ten years,’ he stated, citing the Monuments Act. 


‘Joe Biden would have that be the whole country,’ Trump added of Seattle’s autonomius zone and the toppling of status in other cities around the country. 

‘It’s so crazy what is happening. Here’s a guy that doesn’t talk. Nobody hears him. When he talks, he can’t put two sentences together. I don’t want to be nice or un-nice, OK? But I mean, the man can’t speak,’ Trump said.

In a tour of a Wisconsin factory also filmed with Hannity on Thursday, Trump was asked about an inaccurate statement made by Biden earlier in the day in which he claimed more than 120million have died from coronavirus in the United States. 

‘That’s a third of our population,’ Trump said of the error.   

‘This is serious business. We can’t have something like that, that’s a serious error

‘That’s not a slip up, it’s a serious error. That’s not a permissible type of error because there’s something going on.

‘We’re talking about the presidency of the United States.’  


During the prerecorded interview, Trump also hits out at John Bolton ahead of his publication of his tell-all memoir ‘The Room Where It Happened’. 

‘He didn’t do a good job,’ Trump said of Bolton. 

‘He wasn’t smart. He wasn’t sharp.

‘He’s the only man I think I ever met – I knew him for a year – I don’t think I ever saw him smile once. I said to him, “John, do you ever smile?” And it tells you something about somebody,’ the president added.  


Trump reiterated claims that mail-in voting could lead to voter fraud if it is allowed on-mass for the November election. 

The president claimed that an absentee ballot, which he casts himself, is different but that mail-in voting left the election open to interference from China, in particular.