Iran issues arrest warrant for Donald Trump over drone strike that killed general Qassem Soleimani

Iran issues arrest warrant for Donald Trump over drone strike that killed top general Qassem Soleimani and asks Interpol for help detaining US president Trump faces no danger of arrest but the warrant indicates heightened tensions Iran said Donald Trump carried out drone strike that killed a top Iranian general   Tehran prosecutor says Trump … Read more

FBI serves search warrant on Sen. Richard Burr as part of insider trading probe

FBI officers seized a cellphone belonging to Senator Richard Burr on Wednesday night as part of the Justice Department’s investigation into controversial stock trades he made at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. Republican Sen. Burr, of North Carolina, surrendered his phone to federal agents after they served a search warrant at his home in … Read more

Brooklyn fugitive with warrant out suspected of having coronavirus held in JAIL

Kevin Qiu, 42, was stopped at the Canadian border trying to come into the US. He claimed to have recently been in China and there was a warrant out for his arrest in Pennsylvania. Now, he’s detained in New York, under watch for coronavirus symptoms  A 42-year-old fugitive from Brooklyn is now being held under … Read more