DAN HODGES braves a visit to Wales after its Left-wing leader plunged it into lockdown

Mark Rosser is nervous. ‘You’re the second person to call me today. Why are you doing this? Are you checking up on me?’ I’m actually seeing if it’s possible to book a room at his Crown Lodge B&B in Harlech, Gwynedd. The answer, apparently, is no. ‘Are you mad? I’m not even allowed to leave … Read more

Coronavirus England: Police chief slams leak of second lockdown plan

The chairman of the Police Federation has slammed a ‘deeply unhelpful’ leak of the Government’s plan for a second lockdown which forced Prime Minister Boris Johnson to announce the new measure on Saturday, days earlier than planned. John Apter said the leak ‘created a media frenzy, concern and speculation’ at a time when it was … Read more

Furlough extension costs £7BN: economic impact of lockdown emerges

The Government’s extension of the furlough scheme to cover worker wages during the new lockdown will cost £7 billion, MailOnline understands. As Boris Johnson last night pledged to extend payments at 80% to December, the impact on Britain’s already crippled economy emerged, with one expert claiming the new rules will cost £1.8billion each day. The Prime … Read more

Brexit: Ministers must enforce high UK food standards in trade deals

Ministers bow to pressure to enforce high British food standards in post-Brexit deals by beefing up farms watchdog to give them ‘stronger voice in UK trade policy’ Trade and Agriculture Commission (TAC) will be placed to scrutinise trade deals  Report produced about impact on animal welfare and agriculture of future deals Move comes after warnings … Read more

National lockdown: UK shoppers strip shelves of toilet paper AGAIN

Return of the loo roll loonies: Anxious shoppers strip shelves of toilet paper and household essentials ahead of national lockdown on Thursday Hundreds waited outside Costcos in Manchester, London and Southampton  Shelves were stripped of loo rolls at Poundland in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire  Queues formed outside supermarkets as customers sought to get in supplies  By Holly … Read more

Coronavirus UK: What you CAN and Can’t DO in the second lockdown

A new national lockdown across England means people must stay at home unless for specific reasons, such as attending school or college, or going to the supermarket. Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the new measures at a Downing Street press conference on Saturday.  He said the measures were necessary to avert bleak predictions of 85,000 … Read more

UK lockdown announced amid Tory MPs’ rows over economic impact

Boris Johnson finally arrived at the Downing Street podium yesterday, his press conference had been delayed four times over three hours. The Prime Minister had been forced to telescope two days of preparations for the expected Monday announcement into one afternoon following a leak to yesterday’s papers – and amid claims of chaos and infighting … Read more

Coronavirus UK Lockdown: Matt Hancock, Michael Gove probed over leak

Who’s the lockdown leaker? Pro-restriction Matt Hancock is at the centre of leak inquiry after PM had to reveal new rules two days earlier than planned Downing Street has announced an extraordinary inquiry into Government leaks It came after news of the second national lockdown appeared in the papers before some Cabinet members had been … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Sir Keir Starmer says lockdown should start NOW

Sir Keir Starmer tonight called for a second national lockdown to start immediately as he claimed vindication on calling for a ‘circuit-breaker’ two weeks ago. The Labour leader also indicated that his Party will back the Tory Government in a vote on a new England-wide lockdown in the Commons. He welcomed Boris Johnson’s plans to plunge the … Read more

Coronavirus England: Non-essential shops shut in second lockdown

Key points in COVID lockdown Mark 2  Restrictions will start at midnight on Thursday morning and last until December 2.  People can only leave their homes for specific reasons, such as to do essential shopping, for outdoor exercise, and for work if they are unable to work from home. Non-essential shops will be told to shut, … Read more