LORD ASHCROFT: Don’t count on Donald Trump’s abject handling of coronavirus to see him kicked out

As a woman in Michigan put it during my latest round of polling in America: ‘It’s almost painful to watch. I have to change the channel.’ But her comment did not refer to the terrible scenes played out in hospitals and elsewhere as the coronavirus wreaks havoc across the US.  Instead, she was talking about … Read more

Coronavirus US: Trump’s ‘financial interest’ in malaria drug firm

President Donald Trump was lobbied to use the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine to treat the coronavirus during an Oval Office visit from Fox News host Laura Ingraham and two doctors who are frequent guests on her show. And, it was revealed, Trump has a financial stake in a French firm that makes the drug.  The president came … Read more

SPECIAL REPORT: Forget Donald Trump’s foolish tweets – malaria pills aren’t the magic bullet

Desperate Britons are putting their lives at risk by taking anti-malaria tablets in a ‘misguided’ attempt to fight Covid-19, experts warned last night. They dismissed claims by French researchers that the decades-old drugs could ‘cure’ patients and called a controversial study published last month that appeared to show benefits ‘deeply flawed’ and ‘dangerous’. The pills, chloroquine … Read more

Dow is set to drop 100 points as doubts grow over Trump’s promise of Saudi-Russia oil price deal

Dow drops 140 points as doubts grow over Trump’s promise of an oil price deal between Saudi Arabia and Russia Wall Street stocks opened down on Friday after rising 2% the day prior Doubts returned over whether a Saudi-Russia deal on oil prices would occur Their price war has sent oil prices plummeting amid plunge in … Read more

Coronavirus US: Donald Trump’s massive U-turn in eight weeks

Donald Trump acknowledged on Tuesday the grim reality that more than 100,000 Americans could die from the coronavirus – a marked change in tone from a president who projected optimism about the disease from its first detection. ‘I want every American to be prepared for the hard days that lie ahead. We’re going through a very … Read more

TOM LEONARD: Refusal to pick up Harry and Meghan’s tab is Donald Trump’s revenge

Back in May 2016, Meghan Markle was yet to meet her prince when – as a star of the TV drama Suits – she appeared on an obscure late-night US chat show. The women’s rights firebrand held forth on the awfulness of Donald Trump, then the Republican Party’s presumptive nominee for the presidency. Not only … Read more

No city will be spared: Dr. Birx DEFENDS Trump’s threat to quarantine New York despite Cuomo remarks

The Trump administration official tasked with coordinating the response of the White House coronavirus task force says that ‘no city will be spared’ by the pandemic.  Dr. Deborah Birx appeared on Fox News on Saturday evening to defend President Trump for considering a federally mandated quarantine for residents of the coronavirus ‘hotspots’ New York, New … Read more

Trump’s approval rating has JUMPED five points to 49 per cent

President Trump’s approval ratings have jumped five points to 49 per cent as voters signal they are happy with the way he is handling the coronavirus crisis, according to the latest Gallup poll.  The poll found that 49 per cent of American adults approve of the job Trump is doing as president, up from 44 per … Read more

My husband and I tried to take Trump’s miracle cure – now he is dead

My husband and I tried to take Trump’s coronavirus drug – now he is dead: Wife speaks out after they drank fish tank cleaner chloroquine because they mistook it for unproven treatment hydroxychlorquine The couple, both in their 60s and from Arizona, were hospitalized after ingesting chloroquine phosphate, an additive often used at aquariums to … Read more

‘I had been walking a fine line’: Dr. Fauci says correcting Trump’s mistakes in public is risky

Dr. Anthony Fauci has admitted he has been ‘walking a fine line’ by publicly contradicting President Donald Trump as he leads the team fighting the coronavirus pandemic amid rumors of tension between the pair.  Telling Trump ‘things he doesn’t want to hear’ was a ‘risky business,’ the director of the National Institute of Allergy and … Read more