Mark Zuckerberg explains why Facebook left up Trump’s controversial ‘looting and shooting’ post

Mark Zuckerberg has revealed why Facebook chose to keep President Trump’s controversial ‘looting leads to shooting’ post up on its site despite Twitter hiding the same update because it ‘glorified violence’.  In a status update shared Friday night, Zuckerberg said that the Commander-in-chief’s post included a reference to the National Guard and Facebook users therefore … Read more

Billie Eilish calls out President Donald Trump’s critical tweets about Minneapolis protests

Billie Eilish has been exercising her free speech rights regarding the death of George Floyd, the unarmed African-American man who died after a white police officer pinned him to the ground with a knee into his neck on May 25.   And now the pop star, 18, is calling out President Donald Trump for his tweets … Read more

The Trumps fly in for SpaceX’s first manned launch

President Trump and first lady Melania Trump arrived at the Kennedy Space Center Wednesday to watch the historic launch of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket and Crew Dragon capsule ferry NASA astronauts to the International Space Station.   They traveled to Florida with family members including Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner and some of the grandkids.   … Read more

Trump’s adviser compares China’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic to Chernobyl ‘cover-up’

A top White House official on Sunday likened China’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak to the Soviet Union’s cover-up of the meltdown at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986. National security adviser Robert O’Brien said Beijing knew what was happening with the virus, which originated in Wuhan, from November but lied to the World … Read more

Former UK Prime Minister blasts Donald Trump’s leadership

Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair questions Trump’s leadership in facing ‘terrifying’ coronavirus pandemic and says the ‘absence of global coordination’ worries him Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, who served from 1997 to 2007, questioned President Donald Trump’s leadership amid the pandemic in an interview Friday He pointed out that there’s a lack of global … Read more

PIERS MORGAN: President Trump’s latest reckless coronavirus cure claim will kill Americans

President Trump just killed people. I don’t know how many yet, or who they are, or when they will die, but the one absolute certainty from his public boast that he’s taking hydroxychloroquine is it will cost lives. Some people will now take it who shouldn’t. And some people won’t be able to take it … Read more

Trump’s pandemic ‘plan’ that press secretary waved at reporters was savaged in wargame report

A pandemic ‘plan’ that Donald Trump’s press secretary waved at reporters on  Thursday to show the president was in control of the coronavirus outbreak had been savaged by another report – that she was also holding.  Trump insisted on Thursday that he did have a playbook to battle the pandemic as a whistleblower testified on Capitol … Read more

Donald Trump’s White House Navy valet tests POSITIVE for coronavirus

A Navy official who acts as one of President Donald Trump’s personal valets has tested positive for the coronavirus. President Trump was upset upon learning the news, CNN reported. He and Vice President Mike Pence were subsequently tested and found to be negative.  The valet was a member of the military unit assigned to serve the … Read more

Trump’s top spy pick vows he won’t politicize intelligence

President Donald Trump’s pick to lead the US intelligence community said Tuesday that he would focus on China as the country’s greatest threat, saying Beijing was determined to supplant the United States’ superpower position. But John Ratcliffe, an outspoken Trump defender nominated to become director of national intelligence, came under pressure in a Senate confirmation … Read more

WHO say they want to participate in Chinese probe into origins of Covid-19 after Trump’s lab claims

The World Health Organization said today it would like to take part in Chinese investigations into the origins of the coronavirus. The UN agency said it was hoping for an invitation from Beijing to take part in its probe into how the disease originated in animals, then jumped to humans. President Donald Trump yesterday said he has … Read more