WHO says it is SUSPENDING its trial of anti-malaria drug hydoxychloroquine in coronavirus patients

BREAKING NEWS: WHO says it is SUSPENDING its trial of anti-malaria drug hydoxychloroquine in coronavirus patients citing safety concerns Hydroxychloroquine is most typically used to treat malaria, lupus and arthritis The WHO has been testing the drug as part of its Solidarity trial looking at the safety and efficacy of four medications against coronavirus  But a study … Read more

App chaos as mainlanders try to download trial programme from Isle of Wight

NHS contact tracing app in chaos before June deadline: Advisers complain about mainlanders downloading it in Isle of Wight trial and only one inhabitant has reported getting an alert Mail on Sunday found just one person on Isle of Wight who had received warning The Government has already admitted the app won’t be ready for … Read more

Oxford University vaccine trial has only a 50% chance of success because virus is vanishing in UK

A much-anticipated coronavirus vaccine trial only has a 50 per cent chance of success, the professor leading the project has warned.  High hopes have been pinned on the vaccine from Oxford University, with a deal for 30million doses by September already in place.  But Professor Adrian Hill said the upcoming trial of 10,000 Britons may flop and … Read more

Oxford coronavirus vaccine trial only has a 50% chance of success, professor leading project warns

Developing a vaccine is a complex procedure which relies on a number of lengthy steps. But researchers racing to develop one for COVID-19 – which threatens to keep entire nations in lockdown until it can be stopped – are breaking through this stages at an unprecedented pace, scientists say. One vaccine for rotavirus, a virus … Read more

China’s coronavirus vaccine is ‘safe’ in world’s first completed human trial

A coronavirus vaccine trialled in 108 healthy volunteers in China safely triggered an immune response in the participants, a new study reveals.  Antibody production seen in the patients is a good sign that the vaccine may protect them from infection, but it’s too soon to say for sure.  The Chinese vaccine was the very first … Read more

Government will trial antigen swabs than can tell if someone has coronavirus in 20-minutes

Testing efforts have been ramped up as the Government has announced it will trial antigen swabs than can tell if someone has coronavirus ‘on the spot’, and 10million antibody tests have been ordered.   Around 4,000 patients in a pilot study in Hampshire will be the first to try the new antigen test, which looks for signs … Read more

UK frontline workers will be given hydroxychloroquine in clinical trial

A global trial involving UK health workers of an anti-malarial drug to test its efficacy against the coronavirus comes after Donald Trump said he had begun taking hydroxychloroquine. Scientists have condemned the use of the drug, which President Trump has championed despite it having not been approved for this purpose outside research or hospital settings. … Read more

Coronavirus UK: All monkeys in Oxford vaccine trial infected

The coronavirus vaccine being developed by scientists at Oxford University may not prevent people from becoming infected with the disease after all, experts have warned.  In the latest animal trials of the vaccine carried out on rhesus macaques, all six of the participating monkeys went on to catch the coronavirus. Dr William Haseltine, a former … Read more

NHS hospital in Wales to trial giving coronavirus patients nicotine patches

An NHS hospital in Wales may soon trial giving COVID-19 patients nicotine patches amid mounting evidence smokers are at less risk of the infection.  Doctors at The Royal Glamorgan Hospital, South Wales have said nicotine patches must urgently be considered as a potential COVID-19 treatment and are waiting for the go-ahead for a trial.  Studies … Read more