ALEX BRUMMER: Tata tests Sunak’s model with Port Talbot steel plant

When it comes to bailing out firms affected by Covid-19, Rishi Sunak is no pushover. As someone who spent much of his pre-Commons career in private equity, the Chancellor has a good grip on likely survival candidates, and will be keen to make sure all private sector options have been exhausted. There was reluctance in … Read more

What’s happening with furlough? We explain what Sunak’s new ‘flexible furlough’ means for workers

Chancellor Rishi Sunak has revealed how the £10bn-a-month furlough scheme will evolve in the coming months, how businesses will have to contribute more and when it will end. He has also announced more help for self-employed workers. We look at what the new ‘flexible furlough’ will mean for workers, businesses – and the taxpayer. Chancellor … Read more

Free market think tank backs Rishi Sunak’s spending spree to beat coronavirus

Right-wing think tank says there should be no return to austerity once Rishi Sunak’s spending spree to beat coronavirus is over – as top economist says slashing public expenditure is ‘not a done deal’ The free-market think-tank has backed Rishi Sunak’s public spending increase It comes just days after GDP figures showed the economy contracted … Read more

Free market think tanks back Rishi Sunak’s spending spree to beat coronavirus

Thatcherite free-market think-tanks have said there should be no return to austerity once Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s spending boost to beat coronavirus is over – as a top economist says slashing public expenditure is ‘not a done deal.’ The Adam Smith Institute, the Centre for Policy Studies, the Institute of Economic Affairs and Policy Exchange, previously … Read more

ALEX BRUMMER: Rishi Sunak’s decision to extend the furlough to October is a body blow

Grim economic news is something we have had to get used to in the past two months but yesterday was something of a body blow. Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s announcement that he was extending the jobs retention scheme until October is the most ominous of all the amendments and additions to the bailout for the economy … Read more

Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s loan offer for smallest firms

Chancellor considering plans to offer 100% government guarantees on loans to up to 1m of UK’s smallest firms after pressure from Tory MPs and Bank By Daily Mail City & Finance Reporter Published: 21:55 BST, 24 April 2020 | Updated: 21:55 BST, 24 April 2020 The Chancellor is considering plans to offer 100 per cent … Read more

HENRY DEEDES: Genial Rishi Sunak’s gowns from Myanmar? It sounded more like an Arthur Daley wheeze 

Yesterday was Rishi Sunak’s turn to host the Downing Street press briefing. Ugh.  What a way to start the week. Forgive the mope, but just seeing the Chancellor nowadays is enough to make you groan in despair, like running into a traffic warden or those men on the beach who pop up out of nowhere … Read more

London markets fall hours after Rishi Sunak’s dire warning on economy

London markets fell this morning after Chancellor Rishi Sunak warned Britain faces ‘hardship ahead’ amid fears the coronavirus lockdown could cause the economy to shrink by a third. The FTSE 100 of Britain’s leading firms dropped by 33 points or 0.57 per cent to 5,758 shortly after opening today. It comes after the Office for … Read more

Two million self-employed Britons ‘could miss out on Rishi Sunak’s £10bn coronavirus bailout’

Up to two million self-employed people could miss out on the chancellor’s multi-billion-pound coronavirus bailout, it has emerged.  On Thursday, Rishi Sunak unveiled a scheme handing out cash grants worth up to £2,500 a month, in a massive boost for taxi drivers, musicians, gig economy workers and freelancers.  Only people turning a profit of less than … Read more

Ex-Cabinet minister David Davis slams Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s ‘tax raid’ on self-employed

Ex-Cabinet minister David Davis slams Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s ‘tax raid’ on the self-employed to fund coronavirus bailout Chancellor Rishi Sunak suggests tax hike to pay self-employed coronavirus aid Mr Davis said putting taxes up for self-employed would be ‘final straw’ for many Tory sources say up to 50 Conservative MPs could back rebellion led by … Read more