Joe Biden is ahead in the six battleground states Donald Trump won in 2016

Joe Biden is ahead in the six battleground states Donald Trump won in 2016 by as much as seven points, new poll finds – which says 53% of his supporters have ALREADY voted Joe Biden leads Donald Trump in six battleground states the president won in the 2016 election Leads are within margin of error … Read more

Tommy Lee plans to leave the United States if Donald Trump wins re-election in November

Tommy Lee plans to leave the United States if Donald Trump wins re-election in November By Tracy Wright For Published: 16:46 BST, 15 October 2020 | Updated: 16:46 BST, 15 October 2020 He’s remained vocal about his disdain for the current president. And Tommy Lee admitted in an interview with The Big Issue that … Read more

Coronavirus pandemic has driven a spike in drug overdose deaths in more than 40 US states

Drug overdose deaths have spiked in the US due to the continuing coronavirus pandemic, a new report finds.  A total of 42 states have reported an increase in fatalities, mainly due to fentanyl, the synthetic opioid 100 times stronger than morphine since the crisis began, according to the American Medical Association (AMA). Counties in Arkansas, … Read more

Trump mocks ‘sleepy Joe’ for being ‘low energy’ after he attends FOUR campaign stops in THREE states

With just 39 days until the election, President Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden are continuing to campaign in very different ways.  On Friday, the Commander-in-chief kept up his frenetic schedule, hosting four campaign events in three different states as Biden continued to lay low.   While national polls shows Biden remains favorite to win … Read more

Trump attends four rallies in three different states as he works crucial swing states

With just 39 days until the election, President Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden are continuing to campaign in very different ways.  On Friday, the Commander-in-chief kept up his frenetic schedule, hosting four campaign events in three different states as Biden continued to lay low.   While national polls shows Biden remains favorite to win … Read more

Scientists develop model to determine which US states are in a second wave of coronavirus

Scientists have developed a mathematical model to determine whether or not US states are in a ‘second surge period’ of coronavirus infections. Researchers from the University of Sydney, in Australia, looked at data and determined any state with a ‘second spike’ that is less than one-fifth of the first is not a true second wave … Read more

Kanye West ‘has spent over $3 million to gather signatures to make presidential ballot in 15 states’

Kanye West has allegedly paid over $3 million to gather signatures in order to be placed on the presidential ballot in November. The rapper, 43, reportedly enlisted the help of a number of people to get the required signatures, however he has found many states have barred him from being included in the ballot despite … Read more

CDC map reveals the 12 US states where more than 35% of people are ‘dangerously’ overweight

Twelve US states now have obesity rates of at least 35 percent – more than ever before, a new map reveals. More than one-third of adults in Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee and West Virginia were dangerously overweight in 2019, according to the data released on Thursday by … Read more

Coronavirus US: Data shows which states are testing most and least

The US is conducting nearly a million coronavirus tests a day – but not all states are screening equally.  Rhode Island leads the pack, testing 52,730 people per 100,000 that live there, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.  Meanwhile, Pennsylvania ranks last, and has tested just 13,490 per 100,000 residents, and states where the … Read more