Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak try out smartphone ordering and ‘one-metre plus’ social distancing

We want a pizza the action! Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak try out smartphone ordering and ‘one-metre plus’ social distancing as they visit an east London restaurant ahead of lockdown being eased They dropped in on Pizza Playground to outline new social distancing rules  Diners can be 1m apart from July 4 as long as … Read more

Smartphone screens should be cleaned regularly to protect against coronavirus

Scientists urge people to regularky clean their smartphone screen because coronavirus-infected droplets can survive on the surface Study mapped how long droplets containing the virus survived on surfaces  Droplet evaporation varies depending on surface, temperature and humidity   Phone screens, cotton and wood encourage slow evaporation of the droplets  Researchers say these should be cleaned regularly to protect against … Read more

Huawei subsidiary unveils smartphone with a sensor that can take your temperature

Chinese company unveils smartphone with sensor that takes temperatures down to a tenth of a degree when held next to your wrist or face The phone can read one’s temperature when held next to a wrist or face Honor says that it can read temperatures down to a tenth of a degree The feature will look … Read more

Samsung releases $1,999 VERTICAL TV that rotates vertically to mirror smartphone screens

Samsung releases $1,999 VERTICAL TV that can rotate from landscape to portrait to mirror smartphone screens for easier social media scrolling Samsung is releasing its rotating, vertical TV in the US and the UK The Sero can flip vertically so that people can easily browse social media Users with compatible phones and tap the device … Read more

Transparent N-95-like mask allows wearers to unlock their smartphone without removing the gear

Face masks may help limit the spread of the coronavirus, but the protective gear has caused a problem for the public – unlocking smartphones.  Now, the Chinese firm Huami has solved the issue with a transparent plastic N95-like mask. Called Aeri, the device is designed with anti-fog material, revealing enough of the face to be … Read more

LG may be working on ‘Wing’, a dual-screen smartphone with a swiveling display

LG may be working on ‘Wing’, a dual-screen smartphone with a swiveling display that lets users run different features and apps at once Renders claiming to be LG’s new smartphone, called ‘Wing’ have surfaced online The handset is a dual-screen device with one of the screens that swivels The top screen turns horizontally to reveal … Read more

Locked-down smartphone users in the UK are sitting on unused mobile data worth £165 million

Locked-down smartphone users in the UK are sitting on 165 million gigabytes of unused mobile data worth a staggering £165 million, study claims Consumers stuck at home due to COVID-19 are using their WiFi instead of data Data use among non-essential workers has fallen from 2.4 to 1.9 GB a month More than two-thirds of users … Read more

Global smartphone sales show the ‘biggest decline ever’ 

Global smartphone shipments have fallen by 16.8 percent due to worldwide lockdowns to stop the spread of coronavirus, reports analyst firm Omdia. Phone vendors such as Apple, Samsung and Huawei are feeling the pinch from production shutdowns at factories, product launch delays and stunted consumer demand. In the first quarter of the year – from … Read more

Contact-tracing app will only be good against coronavirus if 80 PER CENT of smartphone owners use it

An NHS contact-tracing app would only completely stop the spread of coronavirus if 80 per cent of current smartphone owners use it, researchers have warned. The team from the University of Oxford simulated how COVID-19 might spread in order to support the development of contact-tracing apps across Europe. However, a previous survey of potential contact-tracing … Read more

After ban, Huawei is STILL using American components in their flagship P40 smartphone nearly

China could retaliate against America for its treatment of Huawei in a number of devastating ways – the most likely would be to targeting US companies that do business in the region, such as Apple. Greater China ranks third among the regions that generate the most revenue for the company, behind the US and Europe.  … Read more