Scientists find ‘first-ever animal’ that doesn’t need oxygen to live

First ever animal that doesn’t breathe and lives without oxygen is discovered by scientists – and it could shed light on where we should look for alien life The parasitical creature is called Henneguya Slminicola and lives inside salmon After mapping its genes researchers found it had no mitochondrial genome  The salmon parasite is part … Read more

Cats and dogs can remember events that happened years ago and respond to memory prompts

Pets have been a companion to humans for millennia. In fact, according to Greger Larson, director of the University of Oxford’s palaeogenomics and bio-archaeology research network, humans have likely kept baby animals for amusement as long as humans have lived. But the story of exactly how animals became domesticated is much debated and often only glimpsed at … Read more

Watermelon snow: Remarkable pictures show the Antarctic turning RED

Watermelon snow: Remarkable pictures show the Antarctic turning red near a former British research station due to microscopic algae that can survive in freezing temperatures ‘Watermelon snow’ is most likely caused by microscopic cold-tolerant algae called Chlamydomonas nivalis The microscopic algae survives sub-zero temperatures and as it warms releases red and green spores It creates a pink … Read more

A Fitbit-style health tracker for pets is developed that works through thick fur

Fast and Furryous: Fitbit-style wearable health tracker for pets developed that can detect vital signs like heart and breathing rates through fur The tracker is made from a silicone-water material that moulds to the fur shape It works by using a sensor to listen for sound waves like a ‘watery stethoscope’  The device will also … Read more

British PhD student discovers first example of fossilised plant gum dating back 110 million years

By gum! British PhD student discovers first example of fossilised plant gum dating back 110 million years in Brazil The gum was found in fossilised leaves of the welwitschiophyllum plant  Plants gums are involved in food storage and structural support  University of Portsmouth student found it in the Crato formation in Brazil Scientists may have … Read more

A Medieval book on etiquette and manners is digitised by the British Library for the first time

A medieval book that warns children against picking their nose, burping in public or eating all the cheese has been digitised by the British Library. The Lytille Childrenes Lytil Boke (The Little Children’s Little Book) was written more than 500 years ago by an unknown author and teaches etiquette and table manners. It has been … Read more

Scientists create internet connected biodegradable PAPER, which collects data without e-waste 

Scientists create internet connected biodegradable PAPER, which can be used to collect data about moisture levels in soil without any toxic e-waste A team of scientists have created an thin sheet of paper they call nanopaper The nanopaper is one millimeter thick and can transmit data to the internet  It also has a moisture sensor … Read more

Apple may soon launch over-the-ear headphones for $399 that come in three different colors

Apple may soon launch over-the-ear headphones for $399 that come in three different colors Placeholders in Target’s product database foreshadow ‘Airpods X Generation’ Speculation points to them being Apple-branded over-the-ear headphones  Images of the placeholders in Target’s database suggest they will cost $399 Sources at Target say products with placeholders arrive within months  By James Pero … Read more

Computer analysis of Edgar Allen Poe’s work concludes he did NOT commit suicide

Edgar Allan Poe was said to be drunk, unhappy and quarrelsome at the end of his life, but new research suggests he was not suicidal.  A study analyzed Poe’s letters, poems and short stories and determined the psychological markers of depression were not consistent with suicide. Using a computerized language analysis, experts found linguistic markers … Read more

Air pollution related deaths in the US have declined by 30 PERCENT since 2005

Emissions Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the biggest contributors to global warming. After the gas is released into the atmosphere it stays there, making it difficult for heat to escape – and warming up the planet in the process.  It is primarily released from burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and … Read more