Sage revealed: Names of 50 scientists advising the Government on coronavirus FINALLY made public

Sage revealed: Names of 50 scientists advising the Government on coronavirus FINALLY made public – as a member DENIES mounting claims that it has bowed to pressure from ministers Just two scientists refused to allow their identities to be revealed to public Identity of Sage members previously a secret on security grounds But individual members … Read more

Being fat triggers a ‘troublesome’ immune response to Covid-19, scientists fear as SAGE investigates

Being fat triggers a ‘troublesome’ immune response to COVID-19, scientists fear, as the government SAGE committee investigates why obesity raises the risk of death.   Scientists advising Government ministers are exploring potential underlying mechanisms that cause severe illness in obese people. According to data from intensive care units, people of a healthy weight make up a … Read more

Former chief scientific adviser sets up rival to Sage

Former chief scientific adviser sets up rival to Sage in wake of secrecy row to offer alternative advice that Britons can follow on YouTube Sir David King was chief scientific adviser under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown  Concerns have been raised about a lack of transparency within Sage  Sir David was scathing about Dominic Cumming’s … Read more

Coronavirus: Fresh SAGE evidence to ministers is set to be unveiled

Secret advice handed to government by SAGE committee of scientists will be published TODAY – revealing if Boris Johnson really did ‘follow the science’ when he finally decided to put Britain into lockdown Scientific Advisory Group fo Emergencies (SAGE) gives advice to ministers Its operation has been shrouded in secrecy with little information published But … Read more

Top Google AI expert attended Sage meeting of Government scientific advisers about coronavirus

A top Google executive specialising in artificial intelligence joined the Government’s science experts at a top-level coronavirus meeting, it was revealed today. Demis Hassabis, the founder and chief executive of the tech giant’s DeepMind operation, sat in on a meeting of Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) last month. His attendance at the invitation of … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Dominic Cummings ‘intervened at SAGE meeting’

No10 chief Dominic Cummings ‘intervened at SAGE meeting to push for experts to back lockdown’ Dominic Cummings ‘was more than a bystander at a meeting of SAGE experts’ Claims the PM’s top aide pushed scientists to back imposing lockdown sooner No10 has hit back at claims and said all advice provided by SAGE is impartial  … Read more

No10 chief Dominic Cummings ‘intervened at SAGE meeting’

No10 chief Dominic Cummings ‘intervened at SAGE meeting to push for experts to back lockdown’ Dominic Cummings ‘was more than a bystander at a meeting of SAGE experts’ Claims the PM’s top aide pushed scientists to back imposing lockdown sooner No10 has hit back at claims and said all advice provided by SAGE is impartial  … Read more

SAGE warned the Government ‘very early on’ that care homes were at risk of COVID-19

SAGE warned the Government ‘very early on’ in Britain’s coronavirus outbreak that care homes would be COVID-19 hotspots, chief scientific adviser reveals Sir Patrick Vallance said SAGE ‘flagged’ care home risk in early discussions The care sector has accused the Government of ‘shambolic’ response  Number of people who have died in homes is still unknown … Read more

‘Partial’ list of SAGE membership WILL be published

‘Partial’ list of SAGE members WILL be published amid backlash at secrecy and complaints No10 chief Dominic Cummings attended meetings A ‘partial’ list of SAGE members will be issued shortly amid secrecy backlash No10 has dismissed concerns that Dominic Cummings attended some meetings Sir Patrick Vallance said names of all those who agree will be … Read more