Thousands of commuters gear up to return to work on Underground

Transport bosses across Britain are bracing for a surge in passengers on Monday morning if Boris Johnson encourages workers to start returning to work. Emergency planners have already been warned London’s transport system could be overwhelmed by demand when the coronavirus lockdown is eased in some form. And there are mounting fears over a sudden … Read more

Sadiq Khan uses Covid crisis to roll-out ‘fast-track’ transformation of city’s roads

Sadiq Khan has used the coronavirus lockdown to roll out a drastic new layout of the Capital’s roads as he warned there will be ‘no swift return to normal’ across the transport network. The Mayor of London and TfL have today unveiled their ‘London Streetspace’ programme which will transform London’s streets to accommodate a possible ten-fold … Read more

Backlash over delay in coronavirus face masks advice

Backlash over delay in coronavirus face masks advice despite Boris Johnson admitting they can be ‘useful’ in shops and on trains Boris Johnson said last night face coverings will be ‘useful’ in easing lockdown  But the UK government has still not formally changed its advice to the public  Nicola Sturgeon has already urged Scots to … Read more

London at the mercy of militant unions who have Sadiq Khan over a barrel

Sadiq Khan is at the mercy of militant unions which are threatening to use the coronavirus crisis to demand a new deal for workers –  amid warnings London’s transport network will be buckle under the pressure once the lockdown eases. RMT General Secretary Mick Cash – who represents Tube workers –  today wrote a column … Read more

Coronavirus UK: London transport network running out of cash

Sadiq Khan has begged the government for a bailout to keep Tubes and buses running after claiming TfL – which has so far refused to furlough any staff – will run out of money in a week. The London Mayor said he was ‘eating in to cash reserves’ to keep the capital’s services going amid … Read more

London transport network is a WEEK from running out of cash, Sadiq Khan reveals

Sadiq Khan has said Transport for London could run out of money by the end of the month due to falling passenger numbers across the network.  The Mayor of London last night revealed there had been a 95 per cent reduction in Tube use and an 85 per cent fall in numbers on buses following … Read more

Air filters will be installed on London buses

Air filters are going be installed on buses in a bid to protect drivers, it has been revealed today.  The technology will be installed on 100 London buses which are used to take ferry patients to and from hospitals, according to The Times.   The AirBubbl air filtration system supplied by technology company AirLabs can remove … Read more

Coronavirus: Sadiq Khan says UK MUST ask for Brexit extension

Sadiq Khan claims the UK MUST ask the EU for a Brexit transition period extension because of the coronavirus crisis as he accuses ministers of ‘putting dogma ahead of the national interest’ Mayor of London said both the UK and the EU need to focus on coronavirus fight He said UK government refusal to consider … Read more

Making coronavirus face masks compulsory is a common sense step we must take

JOHN ILLMAN: Why I’m sure making face masks compulsory is a common sense step we must take Politicians from all sides have joined to demand Britons cover up with masks  Sadiq Khan is now campaigning to make face mask wearing compulsory  We do not have time to carry out a mass of scientific studies, but … Read more

Masks WILL get us working: Ministers face pressure to encourage Britons to cover their faces 

Ministers were under mounting pressure on Friday night to encourage Britons to wear face masks as part of a staged plan to get the country back to work.  London mayor Sadiq Khan urged the Government to change its advice on masks to combat the spread of the virus.  He was supported by former Health Secretary … Read more