Troye Sivan claims he was ‘CATFISHED’ by the same Russian pranksters who targeted Prince Harry

Troye Sivan has claimed that he was ‘catfished’ and targeted by the same Russian pranksters who posed as Greta Thunberg and her father to Prince Harry.  The Australian singer, 24, shared the incredible story on his Instagram TV on Friday, saying that he and his manager genuinely thought they were communicating with the environmental activist, 17. … Read more

Royal Navy sends NINE ships to shadow seven-strong Russian warship fleet active in UK waters

The Royal Navy has deployed to counter ‘unusually high’ levels of activity by Russian ships in UK waters as the country is gripped by the coronavirus crisis, it was revealed today. Nine vessels, along with helicopter support, were tasked with shadowing seven Russian warships in the English Channel and North Sea over a week.  The … Read more

Lockheed Martin ad appears to show simulated US airstrike on Russian weapons system

Pentagon’s weapon supplier Lockheed Martin shares ad promoting its top secret Skunk Works project which appears to show simulated US airstrike on Russian weapons system Lockheed Martins’s promo shows what appears to be a simulated strike on Russian missile defense system S-400  Ad also shows animation of pre-emptive strike against Russia’s Topol-M mobile intercontinental ballistic missile system … Read more

‘Boris Johnson is now playing Russian Roulette with our children’

Boris Johnson has been accused of ‘playing Russian Roulette’ with school children across the UK after he failed to close schools amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.  A petition launched by worried parents and teachers has reached nearly 640,000 signatures and many parents have warned they will pull their children out of the education system. Social … Read more

Former Royal Foundation chief forwarded email from Russian hoaxers to Prince Harry

The Russian pranksters have managed to con other high profile people such as Elton John On Megxit ‘You can call me whatever you want — Harry is fine. [Asked about Megxit]. Um, it’s, that’s probably a conversation for another time, there’s lots of layers to it and lots of pieces to the puzzle. ‘But sometimes … Read more

Prince Harry handed Russian hoaxers his mobile phone number and personal email address

Prince Harry gave Russian hoaxers pretending to be Greta Thunberg his mobile phone number and personal email address sparking security fears Prince Harry inadvertently gave Russian pranksters mobile number and email Royal insiders have blamed new PR advisers for the major security lapse  The two hoaxers posed as Greta Thunberg and her father to speak … Read more

Prince Harry’s Russian pranksters fooled him by discussing a fictional island and smoking cannabis

The Russian pranksters have conned other high profile people such as Sir Elton John On Megxit ‘You can call me whatever you want — Harry is fine. [Asked about Megxit]. Um, it’s, that’s probably a conversation for another time, there’s lots of layers to it and lots of pieces to the puzzle. ‘But sometimes the … Read more

Russian senators back constitutional change allowing Vladimir Putin to run for president again

President Vladimir Putin may be allowed to run for two more terms in the Kremlin after Russian senators overwhelmingly backed amendments to the constitution.  The constitutional reforms, submitted by the Russian leader himself, were backed by 160 senators in the upper house Federation Council, with one voting against and three abstaining. The terms, which could see … Read more

Greta Thunberg wants to marry Prince George, Russian pranksters tell Prince Harry

The Russian pranksters have managed to con other high profile people such as Elton John On Megxit ‘You can call me whatever you want — Harry is fine. [Asked about Megxit]. Um, it’s, that’s probably a conversation for another time, there’s lots of layers to it and lots of pieces to the puzzle. ‘But sometimes … Read more

RAF Typhoon jets scramble to intercept Russian bombers spotted flying near the Shetland Islands 

RAF Typhoon jets scramble to intercept Russian bombers spotted flying near the Shetland Islands RAF jets scrambled to intercept Russian bombers above the Shetland Islands  Scrambled British QRA Typhoons with Voyager support from Lossiemouth today A spokesman for the RAF confirmed the incident was ongoing  By Amie Gordon For Mailonline Published: 10:37 GMT, 11 March … Read more