Remarkable black and white images capture the stores along historic Route 66 during the 1950s

The death of Charles Custer, a retired Chicago lawyer who passed away at the age of 91 in January might have gone unnoticed had he not left behind a stunning trove of photographs that captures the innocence of a bygone era. Originally reported by the Chicago Sun-Times, Custer was a prominent Hyde Park resident with … Read more

Releasing young adults who no longer live with their parents could be the best route out of lockdown

Releasing 20–30 year-olds who no longer live with their parents could be the best route out of lockdown and avoid an ‘extraordinary recession’, experts suggested. This section of the population — unlike the older generations — is statistically less likely to die from coronavirus, or develop severe symptoms.  Like many countries, the UK is presently … Read more

Human traffickers are exploiting an ‘easy-peasy’ route into Britain

British-based Albanian Kledjan Kurtaj, 20, helps organise fake IDs and flights via a European capital such as Dublin or Paris Human traffickers are exploiting a back-door route into Britain that makes it ‘easy-peasy’ to get into the country. Operating from the UK, they arrange for illegal migrants to come here via European airports and boast … Read more

Phone screens are a ‘a potential route of infection’ for coronavirus

Coronavirus can survive on hard surfaces such as phone screens for up to a week and offers a potential route of infection, scientists warn.  The hardy virus spreads via droplets released in coughs and sneezes and the residue can remain potent for seven days on surfaces such as handles and handsets.  Experts warn phones could … Read more