Sadiq Khan is blasted for demanding more money for London

Sadiq Khan has been criticised for demanding more money from the Government after receiving billions in bailouts only last year.  The Mayor of London today lobbied Rishi Sunak to turn on the spending taps in the March Budget – and produced his own wish-list for the Chancellor. He is seeking another financial package for TfL … Read more

Boris’s ex-homelessnes tsar warns Tories become ‘nasty party’ again if they cut Universal Credit

Boris Johnson’s former homelessness tsar Louise Casey warns Tories they risk becoming the ‘nasty party’ again if Rishi Sunak axes £20 increase in Universal Credit as Chancellor comes under pressure from Red Wall Conservatives to U-turn She said axing increase in March would be ‘too punitive’ for struggling families Told BBC it was not right, … Read more

Rishi Sunak faces fresh backlash over ‘plan to hike corporation tax in March Budget’

Rishi Sunak is facing a Tory backlash amid claims he wants to hike corporation tax in the March Budget. The Chancellor is desperately seeking ways to restore the public finances after they were hammered by coronavirus, with fears borrowing will top £400billion this year. Grim forecasts suggest the economy is on track for a double-dip … Read more

High speed cross-Channel train service Eurostar could go bust within months, experts warn 

Eurostar ‘could fold by April’: High speed cross-Channel train service could go bust within months without a rescue package, experts warn MPs and business leaders have warned Eurostar could go bust without help Passengers have fallen 95 per cent since March and two services now run daily  Sir Roger Gale says French and UK ministers … Read more

RUTH SUNDERLAND: Divisive, vindictive… let’s give this idea for tax grabs on property short shrift

The pandemic has left a chasm in the national finances, and it rests on the slender shoulders of Rishi Sunak to ensure our Covid debts are not insupportable. But he should resist siren calls to attempt this through tax grabs on property and other wealth. If the Chancellor is as astute as I believe him … Read more

Rishi Sunak is warned not to hit Tory shires with a new property levy

Rishi Sunak was urged yesterday to resist calls to introduce a property tax amid fears it would be a wealth tax in all but name. Treasury officials have modelled a plan to scrap council tax and stamp duty and replace them with a property tax based on a percentage of a home’s value. The scheme … Read more

Ministers consider £2bn levy on developers as families face £15bn bill for safe homes after Grenfell

Big building firms face a multi-billion-pound levy to help families pay to repair homes with dangerous cladding in the wake of the Grenfell fire. It could a mean a levy on all high rise flats and possibly a separate charge on major developments to atone for building tens of thousands of flats and homes with … Read more

Ministers ‘consider replacing council tax with property levy’

Ministers ‘consider plans to replace council tax and stamp duty with property levy’ which would hit Tory Shires hard as Rishi Sunak ‘weighs up hiking corporation tax’ at Budget on March 3 to start paying for Covid crisis Rishi Sunak will deliver Budget on March 3 amid reports he could increase taxes It is thought … Read more

Prime Minister’s new mission for Rishi Sunak

Let’s make Britain the Singapore of Europe! Prime Minister’s new mission for Rishi Sunak as he urges the Chancellor to exploit Brexit by emulating the low-tax, low-regulation Asian city state Sunak is to spearhead Government moves to exploit the opportunities of Brexit No 10 is keen to break through gloom of Covid pandemic with an … Read more

Rishi Sunak rejects wealth tax to cover the £280billion spent fighting coronavirus 

Rishi Sunak rejects wealth tax: Chancellor WON’T bring in a one-off levy to cover the £280billion spent fighting coronavirus Rishi Sunak rejected proposal for emergency wealth tax to recover £280billion  Presented with plans for one-off levy on those with assets more than £500,000 or more £1million for a couple  including their family home and pension Told … Read more