Biden charters plane to DC after Trump REFUSED him government jet

Donald Trump delivered Joe Biden one more snub Tuesday, forcing him to charter his own plane to fly from Delaware to Washington D.C. instead of authorizing an Air Force jet. The president-elect flew the short hop from his home state after a tear-stained speech eulogizing his dead son Beau on a converted Boeing 737 – … Read more

Mitch McConnell says Donald Trump ‘PROVOKED’ US Capitol riots

Mitch McConnell denounced Donald Trump Tuesday, saying that the president was responsible for ‘provoking’ the MAGA mob who stormed the Capitol and murdered a police officer. ‘The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people,’ the majority leader said on the Senate floor. ‘They tried to use fear and … Read more

Mitch McConnell says Donald Trump ‘PROVOKED’ the MAGA riot in dramatic denunciation of president

Mitch McConnell denounced Donald Trump Tuesday, saying that the president was responsible for ‘provoking’ the MAGA mob who stormed the Capitol and murdered a police officer. ‘The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people,’ the majority leader said on the Senate floor. ‘They tried to use fear and … Read more

Leaders of Congress will attend Mass with Joe Biden in show of bipartisan unity

Vice President Mike Pence will skip President Donald Trump’s farewell ceremony on Wednesday, as will top Republican congressional leaders, in order for them to spend inauguration day with incoming President Joe Biden.  Pence is attending Biden’s swearing-in ceremony later on Wednesday and aides told The Washington Post that it would be logistically challenging for the vice … Read more

Trump is STILL ranting that he won the election with less than 48 hours left in office

Donald Trump is STILL ranting that he won the election with less than 48 hours left in office – and calling GOP House leader Kevin McCarthy a ‘p***y’ because 10 of his caucus voted to impeach President Donald Trump is still ranting that he won the election with less than 48 hours to go before … Read more

Pentagon denies Donald Trump’s request for a military-style farewell parade 

The Pentagon will break with recent tradition by refusing to engage in an armed forces farewell or throw Donald Trump’s requested military-style parade as the president leaves office on Wednesday. Trump wants an extravagant goodbye – not unlike the exuberance he exuded during his presidency – despite his recent fallout of favor with middle-of-the-line Republicans … Read more

Trump’s approval plummets to 29% making him one of the least popular presidents of all time

Trump’s approval rating plummets to an all-time low of 29% and drops 17% among Republicans after Capitol riot President Trump’s approval rating has plummeted after inciting a deadly riot at the Capitol  It also resulted in a sudden drop in support among voters in his own GOP party  Pew Research Center poll suggests only 29% … Read more

Rand Paul warns one third of Republican lawmakers will leave the party

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) declared that roughly ‘a third’ of all Republicans would leave the party if GOP senators team up with Democrats to impeach President Donald Trump as the lame duck president seeks to punish the 10 Republican representatives that voted for impeachment. Speaking with Fox News host Laura Ingraham Friday, Paul claimed that … Read more

Pelosi says Republicans who ‘aided’ Capitol riots risk prosecution

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi raised the possibility Friday of criminal prosecutions of Republican lawmakers if they are found to have provided Capitol tours to people who took part in the Capitol riots.  Speaking to reporters a week after a MAGA mob ransacked the Capitol and days after the House voted to impeach President Trump, the … Read more

Nancy Pelosi threatens prosecutions if Republicans are found to have ‘aided and abetted’ MAGA riot

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi raised the possibility Friday of criminal prosecutions of Republican lawmakers if they are found to have provided Capitol tours to people who took part in the Capitol riots.  Speaking to reporters a week after a MAGA mob ransacked the Capitol and days after the House voted to impeach President Trump, the … Read more