Russian doctor accuses Vladimir Putin of lying about coronavirus deaths

Badly paid doctors have quit in droves, fearing for their lives after being told to treat coronavirus patients without adequate protective equipment in a chronically underfunded health system.  Ambulances crews queue for hours to deliver patients to overloaded hospitals where medical staff have run out of oxygen – yet desperately needed ventilators have been bought … Read more

Irina Shayk raises eyebrows as she poses with a Vladimir Putin book in her latest snap

Irina Shayk lounges on the couch as she reads book about Vladimir Putin during self-isolation By Deirdre Simonds For Published: 20:56 BST, 25 April 2020 | Updated: 20:59 BST, 25 April 2020 Before reaching supermodel fame, Irina Shayk grew up in the poverty-stricken village of Yemanzhelinsk.  While the Russian supermodel, 34, looked radiant in her latest … Read more

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin had four phone calls in the past two weeks

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin have had four phone calls in the last two weeks as D.C. and the Kremlin try and ease tensions during the coronavirus choas Since March 30, President Trump and Vladimir Putin spoke four times over the phone as the coronavirus pandemic rages on  Their last call came on Easter Sunday … Read more

Putin unveils new 800-bed coronavirus Moscow hospital built from scratch in 36 days

Russian president Vladimir Putin has unveiled a brand new emergency coronavirus hospital, built up from scratch in just 36 days after intense, around-the-clock work.  The mammoth emergency £92 million construction in Moscow will initially hold 800 patients – 300 more than originally announced – and it comes amid fears of the city’s capacity being overrun. Mr … Read more

Putin is forced to postpone Russia’s Victory Day parade in Red Square because of coronavirus

Russian president Vladimir Putin has been forced to postpone the country’s Victory Day parade in Red Square because of coronavirus. On Friday, officials reported a record rise of 4,069 new COVID-19 cases in Russia over the last 24 hours, bringing its nationwide tally to 32,007, with 273 deaths.  Since 1945, Victory Day on May 9 … Read more

Trump congratulates Vladimir Putin and Mohammad Bin Salman for reaching a deal to stop oil war

Donald Trump congratulates Vladimir Putin and Mohammad Bin Salman for reaching a deal to stop oil war, claiming the move will save ‘hundreds of thousands of energy jobs in U.S.’ President Trump thanked Russian President Putin and Saudi Arabian King Salman for reaching a deal to cut the production of oil The two leaders made … Read more

Trump dismisses warnings that Vladimir Putin will use Russian medical supplies as Kremlin propaganda

President Donald Trump brushed aside warnings that Vladimir Putin would use the 60 tons of medical supplies Russia sent to New York as Kremlin propaganda, calling it a ‘nice gesture.’ ‘If they send things we need, I’ll take it. Nice gesture. I’m not concerned about Russian propaganda. He offered a lot of high quality stuff … Read more

Physician who shook hands with Vladimir Putin a week ago tests positive for coronavirus 

A major scare over Vladimir Putin’s health emerged today as Russia’s top coronavirus doctor was stuck down with Covid-19 – one week after meeting and shaking hands with the Kremlin leader. Denis Protsenko, 44, heads Konnunarka infectious diseases hospital, which was visited by Putin last week. The pair were seen close to together and twice … Read more

Vladimir Putin dons hazmat suit to visit coronavirus hospital

Vladimir Putin dons hazmat suit to visit coronavirus hospital despite ‘just 495 cases’, as astonishing pictures show how Russia’s new medical facility to tackle the crisis is ’40 per cent’ built in just 12 days President Putin visited a hospital caring for coronavirus patients on the outskirts of Moscow on Tuesday He praised medics and … Read more

CHRISTOPHER STEVENS: Would you put your beloved partner through the Putin test? 

Putin: A Russian Spy Story Rating: Toxic Town: The Corby Poisonings Rating: Young Vladimir Putin faces the TV cameras for an interview in 1992, as chief political fixer to the St Petersburg mayor.  He’s a slight figure, even boyish, though boyish like Damien (the devil-child) from the Omen movies, not Kevin from Home Alone.  The reporter … Read more