Dido Harding admits test and trace programme not a ‘silver bullet’

NHS Test and Trace boss Dido Harding has admitted the programme is not a ‘silver bullet’ for solving the coronavirus crisis as Michael Gove defended giving police access to self-isolation data. Baroness Harding said the £12 billion programme is ‘undoubtedly a very important’ part of the Government’s efforts to tackle the spread of infection.  But she … Read more

Mass testing and a better contact tracing programme could slash UK’s R rate in HALF, SAGE says

Mass testing and a better contact tracing regime could bring the UK’s coronavirus outbreak under control, SAGE has claimed in another dig at Number 10’s bungling test and trace system.  Government scientific advisers endorsed Boris Johnson’s £100billion Operation Moonshot, which would see 10million people tested a day regardless of whether they have symptoms, in a … Read more

Sheffield City Council blasted by watchdog for its ‘dishonesty’ over tree felling programme

A council who published documents over its tree felling programme in the middle of the night to ‘avoid scrutiny’ has apologised for its ‘lack of… honesty’.   Sheffield City Council was forced to issue a public apology after a report found it acted with a ‘lack of transparency, openness and, on occasion, honesty’ in the way … Read more

Nobel Peace Prize 2020: World Food Programme wins for ‘efforts to combat global hunger’

The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to the UN World Food Programme for ‘its efforts to combat global hunger’ The UN’s World Food Programme has won the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize  Judges said the prize was to recognise its efforts in tackling global hunger   Award is a snub to WHO, also a UN body, amid … Read more

World Food Programme wins the Nobel Peace Prize 

World Food Programme wins the Nobel Peace Prize By Chris Pleasance for MailOnline Published: 10:02 BST, 9 October 2020 | Updated: 10:04 BST, 9 October 2020 The World Food Programme has been announced as the winner of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize for its efforts in combatting global hunger. The UN body topped a field of … Read more

Struggling test and trace programme now forced to bring in super-management consultants from KPMG

Struggling test and trace programme now forced to bring in super-management consultants from KPMG to try and get back on track Government is preparing to draft in a new team to bolster the £10billion scheme  Consultants are expected to start within 72 hours and remain for six months It comes as Boris Johnson sounded Covid … Read more

Six people who took part in the Fast800 programme show off the results

Before our 30 volunteers started on the Fast800 programme, they recorded their weight and their waist measurements. As well as losing 39 st 8 lb between them, they lost an impressive 9 ft 8 in from their waistlines. Here, six of those who took part reveal how they did it. CUT OUT CRISPS Clare Pass, … Read more

Ex-Today programme editor slams ‘entitled’ young BBC staff who ‘expect to have their view on air’

Former Today programme editor slams ‘entitled’ young BBC staff who ‘expect to have their view of the world on air’ after new director-general said ‘bias has no place’ at the broadcaster Sarah Sands suggested workers at the BBC cannot understand right-wing views The journalist said impartiality is still key for the BBC, but ‘respect is … Read more

JOHN HUMPHRYS: I couldn’t work with Prince Harry when he guest edited BBC Radio 4’s Today programme

Covid has affected everyone, but one group of workers has been especially hit. They can no longer do what they have done for generations, if not centuries. And yet their plight has attracted surprisingly little attention, let alone concern.  They are members of the Royal Family. Their job is mostly to rush around the country … Read more

Diane Abbott wants Prevent counter-terror programme replaced

Diane Abbott leads calls for government to scrap ‘toxic, counter-productive’ Prevent counter-terrorism programme Labour’s Diane Abbott said the terror Prevent programme is ‘counter-productive’ Zarah Sultana said people were reported for reading text books for their degrees Prevent aims to stop people becoming terrorists or by supporting terrorism  Ms Abbott said the government should be seeking … Read more