Professor Neil Ferguson had key role in Boris Johnson’s dramatic U-turn on Christmas

The top scientific adviser who quit after breaking lockdown to see his married lover played a major role in the dramatic U-turn on Christmas. Professor Neil Ferguson was among those attending a meeting of Nervtag – the New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group – to discuss the new mutant strain of coronavirus on … Read more

Chris Whitty reassures the public the vaccines should still work against the mutant strain

The Chief Medical Officer last night reassured the public that vaccines should still be effective against the new ‘mutant’ strain taking hold across Britain – amid signs the game-changing Oxford jab will soon be approved. Providing positive news on a grim day in the fight against coronavirus, Professor Chris Whitty said there were no indications … Read more

Public deserve a break from Matt Hancock, writes former Cabinet minister DAVID MELLOR 

Matt Hancock reminds me of Pinocchio. Especially that bit when the wooden-headed puppet dances down the road between the Fox and the Cat.  He thinks he’s the cock of the walk. In fact he’s a dupe. I wonder if Hancock’s Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty and Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance see themselves as … Read more

Chris Whitty confirms new Covid strain IS more contagious

Chris Whitty has this afternoon confirmed that a new mutant strain of coronavirus is more contagious – as he warns that cases are ‘rapidly rising’ in the South East. England’s chief medical officer revealed that the virus variant does ‘spread more quickly’ than previous strains. But he stressed there is nothing to suggest the new … Read more

Chris Whitty warns of looming health crisis over rural elderly who risk missing out on NHS care 

Chris Whitty warns of looming health crisis over rural elderly who risk missing out on NHS care Chief medical officer Professor Chris Witter has issued a dire warning to elderly Those suffering from serious illness could be left behind with no access to NHS This will happen unless urgent action is taken, he said, to … Read more

Top scientific advisers rake in £400k

Top scientific advisers rake in £400k: Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance are earning a fortune during Covid-19 pandemic and have appeared on the list of best-paid civil servants for the first time Professor Chris Whitty is paid between £205,000 and £210,000, it was revealed  Meanwhile the chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance is on up … Read more

Covid-19: Whitty says UK lockdowns until MARCH even with vaccines

Britain will remain in some form of lockdown until at least March despite the roll out of coronavirus vaccines, Professor Chris Whitty has warned.  The chief medical officer said not enough Brits will have been inoculated against Covid-19 over the next three months to keep the most vulnerable out of hospitals. He urged people not … Read more

Robert Jenrick says hugging family at Christmas is a ‘personal decision’

Robert Jenrick says it is a ‘personal decision’ whether to hug family at Christmas despite Chris Whitty grimly warning people must not do so ‘if you want them to survive’ Robert Jenrick said it is a personal choice if people hug relatives at Christmas Prof Chris Whitty said last night people should not ‘if you … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Hugging at Christmas not illegal, but best not to

‘Don’t hug granny if you want her to survive to be hugged again’: Downing Street experts are unanimous that just because it’s not illegal to embrace relatives at Christmas doesn’t mean you should Prof Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance said they want people to see their families But they added they would not encourage people … Read more

Experts say it’s not illegal to embrace relatives at Christmas but doesn’t mean you should

‘Don’t hug granny if you want her to survive to be hugged again’: Downing Street experts are unanimous that just because it’s not illegal to embrace relatives at Christmas doesn’t mean you should Prof Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance said they want people to see their families But they added they would not encourage people … Read more