Government is paying £1million a DAY to store 10,000 shipping containers full of PPE at Felixstowe

Government stores of nearly 10,000 containers of PPE have been wracking up fees of around £1million a day as they sit in high-rate storage on the quay at Felixstowe port.   Around 11,000 containers full of PPE were being held in the Suffolk port yard last week attracting sky-high fees, despite a continued lack of protection for NHS … Read more

Watchdog launches urgent probe into Spanish PPE middleman paid £21m

Britain’s spending watchdog will probe a deal where a Spanish businessman who served as a middleman to secure PPE for the NHS was paid an astonishing £21million in UK taxpayers’ cash. The consultant had been in line for another £15million of public funding, US court documents claim. Gabriel Gonzalez Andersson, from Madrid, was drafted in … Read more

Fury over £18bn PPE scandal

A Tory Minister today refused to apologise after a devastating report laid bare the cronyism and ineptitude that has characterised the Government’s £18billion rush to source PPE and other equipment during the coronavirus crisis.  Business Secretary Alok Sharma has denied allegations of wasting taxpayers’ money, claiming the scramble to buy lifesaving clothing for the NHS came at a … Read more

Greek priest lifts a child up to KISS the coffin of a COVID victim after men in full PPE carried it

A Greek Orthodox priest has sparked outrage after he lifted a child up to kiss the coffin of a bishop who died of COVID-19 after men in full-body PPE had carried the coffin into the church. Footage of the funeral in the town of Lagadas outside Thessaloniki was widely shared on social media and local … Read more

The £18bn coronavirus PPE fiasco

A devastating report today lifts the lid on the cronyism and ineptitude that has characterised the Government’s £18billion rush to source PPE and other equipment during the coronavirus crisis. Michael Gove and Dominic Cummings were both drawn into the debacle after the spending watchdog said officials failed to consider potential conflicts of interests involving companies … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Government’s £18bn PPE contracts led by ‘cronyism’

A cynical & brazen cronyism: As new report reveals £18bn coronavirus PPE farce, DAVID ROSE argues this is not how public procurement in Britain is meant to work By David Rose For The Daily Mail Published: 00:00 GMT, 18 November 2020 | Updated: 00:36 GMT, 18 November 2020 The mismanagement, the incompetence, the reckless waste … Read more

Exposed: Dominic Cummings’s links with two of the four companies detailed in damning PPE report 

Exposed: Dominic Cummings’s links with two of the four companies detailed in damning PPE report National Audit Office said officials signed contracts for thousands of facemasks But masks turned out to be unusable – wasting hundreds of millions of pounds  NAO looked at 8,600 contracts awarded by Government from January to July  Cummings has links … Read more

Companies with no experience pocketed £12bn on the Government’s ‘shambolic’ PPE scramble

Sabia Mokeddem, 23, was handed a contract worth £880,000  For enterprising businesses, it was the chance of a lifetime. As the coronavirus pandemic swept across Britain, a £12.3billion ‘Wild West’ opportunity emerged for any firms able to provide the NHS with protective equipment. Companies with no experience supplying PPE won lucrative Government deals. Now, the … Read more

The Spanish middleman who was paid £21m of YOUR cash to set up PPE deal 

A Spanish businessman who served as a middleman to secure PPE for the NHS has been paid an astonishing £21million in UK taxpayers’ cash. The consultant had been in line for another £15million of public funding, US court documents show. Gabriel Gonzalez Andersson, from Madrid, was drafted in to help with ‘procurement, logistics, product sourcing … Read more