Beauties who had babies for Hitler: Fuhrer ordered German soldiers to impregnate Norwegian girls

HISTORY Hitler’s Northern Utopia by Despina Stratigakos (Princeton £25, 328 pp) Adolf Hitler was mesmerised. In the spring of 1934, he went on holiday, a secret cruise in a German battleship through the fjords of Norway and, for hours on end, stared at the natural beauty around him. A Norwegian crew member later recalled him … Read more

Westpac is ordered to pay $1.3billion for breaching anti-money laundering rules

Westpac is fined $1.3 BILLION – the biggest in Australian history – for shocking breaches of money laundering laws that allowed paedophiles to profit from raping kids Westpac has agreed to pay a $1.3billion fine for breaching money laundering law Australia’s second biggest bank admitted to breaching the law 23million times An announcement was made … Read more

Tory MP David Morris ordered to apologise after lobbying for Russian’s company after £10k donation

Tory MP David Morris is ordered to apologise after lobbying for Russian’s company after £10k donation Tory MP David Morris accepted £10k donation from energy firm Aquind last year Shortly after, he asked a question in the Commons that ‘sought to benefit’ the company Inquiry ruled the MP had inadvertently breached the code of conduct By John … Read more

GPs are ordered to see patients face-to-face

GPs are ordered to see patients face-to-face amid fears vulnerable people are ‘having difficulty accessing doctors’ during the pandemic Letter will warn many patients ‘are experiencing difficulty in accessing their GP’ Instructs GPs to remind all patients that they can come in for appointments  Letter to be received today also warns doctors not to send … Read more

Boss of Knightsbridge Japanese restaurant Nozomi is ordered to 100 hours unpaid work

Pictured: Marios Georgallides, who ran Nozomi while disqualified The boss of Knightsbridge Japanese restaurant Nozomi has been ordered to perform 100 hours of unpaid work after he continued to manage the company while disqualified. Marios Georgallides, 62, oversaw the celebrity eatery near Harrods in central London while banned from acting as the company director.  The fashionable … Read more

Berlin’s left-wing officials are ordered to remove cycle lanes installed during pandemic by court

Berlin’s administrative court has ordered the city’s left-wing officials to remove cycle lanes that have been installed throughout the city during the pandemic. The court ruled that Covid-19 was unfairly used by officials as an excuse to push through their ‘traffic agenda’. Germany’s far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party filed an urgent motion which argued … Read more

Lorry firm is ordered to be shut down after bosses lied to public inquiry into death of young doctor

Lorry firm is ordered to be shut down after bosses lied to public inquiry into death of young doctor who was killed when she was knocked off her bike by driver S&J Transport was told to close three years after Suzanna Bull was fatally injured Robert Bradbury was jailed for 21 months for causing death … Read more

Denise Welch ordered to ‘calm down’ by This Morning’s Eamonn Holmes during heated coronavirus debate

Denise Welch was told to ‘calm down’ by Eamonn Holmes during a very heated on Friday’s This Morning. The Loose Women panelist, 62, appeared on the show to discuss coronavirius ‘scaremongering’ as she argued that the government was scaring people with their overreaction to Covid-19 numbers. And things got very intense as host Eamonn, 60, … Read more

Future is ordered to pay $3,200 a month in child support to child’s mother Eliza Reign Seraphin

Future is ordered to pay $3,200 a month in child support to child’s mother Eliza Reign Seraphin for their daughter Reign … after she asked for $53K a month Florida judge made ruling based on $30K income  Future and Seraphin were involved between 2016 and 2018  Forbes estimated his income at $19.5m last year  Atlanta … Read more

MPs ordered to ‘take anti-racism classes’

MPs are ordered to ‘take anti-racism classes’ after report revealed some were ‘getting black staff’s names wrong or mixing them up with other BAME colleagues’ House of Commons reportedly rolling out unconscious bias training for MPs Sir Keir Starmer has already introduced the training for all Labour Party staff Meanwhile, new group set up in … Read more