NASA is hiring astronauts for its trip to the moon in 2024

NASA has opened applications for the next generation of astronauts that will travel to the Moon and Mars. Potential space farers have until the end of this month to submit their application to the US space agency, which says ‘extensive travel may apply’. New astronauts will have to undergo a two-year training and evaluation period … Read more

Asteroid half the size of Mount Everest set to fly by Earth next month – but is not expected to hit

An asteroid half the size of Mount Everest is heading towards Earth next month, but scientists say it is not expected to collide with us. The object, called 52768 (1998 OR2), is 1 to 2.5 miles wide and will pass within 3,908,791 miles, moving at 19,461 miles per hour. The asteroid was first discovered by … Read more

Asteroid the size of Mount Everest set to fly by Earth next month – but is not expected to hit us

An asteroid the size of Mount Everest is heading towards Earth next month, but scientists say it is not expected to collide with us. The object, called 52768 (1998 OR2), is one to 2.5 miles wide and will pass within 3,908,791 miles, moving at 19,461 miles per hour. The asteroid was first discovered by NASA … Read more

YouTubers drop a CAR 150ft onto the ‘world’s strongest’ trampoline made of Kevlar

Incredible moment YouTubers drop a CAR 150ft onto the ‘world’s strongest’ trampoline made of steel, Kevlar and 144 garage door springs Former NASA engineer Mark Rober teamed up with YouTuber’s How Ridiculous  They spent six months planning how to best drop the car from 150ft in Australia Video shows the white vehicle bouncing on a Kevlar trampoline … Read more

NASA shares GIF of a new black hole 30,000 light-years away seen by students studying at an asteroid

NASA shares GIF of a new flaring black hole 30,000 light-years away that was discovered by students studying an asteroid Students using  NASA’s OSIRIS-REx to study an asteroid found a new black hole It sits 30,000 light-years away and was spotted by its X-ray emissions The team found it just a week after Japan’s MAXI telescope … Read more

Amazing NASA images show how pollution has CLEARED over China

Amazing NASA images show how pollution has CLEARED over China as coronavirus crisis has kept everyone indoors NASA and European Space Agency have used pollution monitoring satellites to track nitrogen dioxide levels The difference in concentration of nitrogen dioxide is revealed in two maps released by the space agencies Almost no nitrogen dioxide visible after … Read more

WATCH THIS: A group of autonomous military robots navigate through an underground power plant

WATCH THIS: A group of autonomous military robots win a search and rescue competition in an underground power plant, as they search for warm mannequins that simulate human survivors after a gas leak DARPA hosted a search and rescue competition for autonomous robots The winning team, from JPL programmed 12 autonomous robots to find warm … Read more

Scientists create stunning gifs of Mars’ sand dunes to understand what conditions impact them 

Mars in Motion! Scientists create stunning gifs of the Red Planet’s sand dunes to understand what conditions impact them Scientists used data from  NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to create gifs of sand dunes on Mars The team is hoping to understand what conditions impact them and how dunes in different areas move  They found the highest sand … Read more

Earth’s new mini-moon seen in full color, but experts questioning if the asteroid is space junk 

It was revealed in a grainy black and white photo, but astronomers have just released the first colored image of Earth’s new mini-moon. Called 2020 CD3, the asteroid has been orbiting our Earth for three years and was spotted on February 15 using the Catalina Sky Survey (CSS) in Arizona. The recent image was created … Read more

NASA asks public to design a sensor for its next VENUS rover

NASA has launched a public competition to design a sensor that will guide a future rover across rough terrain and inhospitable environment on Venus. The sensor will need to be able to withstand heat capable of ‘turning lead into a puddle’ and pressure high enough to ‘crush a submarine’, the space agency said. It will … Read more