Trump brags about his science knowledge because of his ‘super genius uncle’ who was an MIT professor

President Trump on Friday baffled observers while touring the Centers for Disease Control headquarters in Atlanta, where he bragged that he had a predisposition toward science because of his ‘super genius’ uncle. ‘You know my Uncle was a great — he was at MIT,’ the president said while standing next to health officials who are … Read more

MIT researchers create new self-driving system that can steer in low visibility settings

MIT researchers create new self-driving system that can steer in low visibility settings, including fog and snow Researchers from MIT are testing a new self-driving car system for bad weather Instead of lidar and cameras, it uses a sensor system that reads the ground directly below and around the car instead of in front of … Read more

MIT scientists create doomsday AI that will take over if it detects an asteroid heading toward Earth

A team of scientists at MIT have developed a computer program that will help humans decide how to best deal with the end of the world, so long as that comes in form of a catastrophic asteroid collision.  Experts say there as many as two or three new asteroids, sometimes called ‘Near Earth Objects,’ discovered … Read more