Coronavirus UK: Antibody kit company bans international orders

Coronavirus antibody tests may finally be on the way to Britain as one manufacturer of the kits has restricted sales to just UK healthcare providers. Belfast-based Biopanda Reagents posted an alert on its website to say the ban on all international orders was ‘effective immediately’. Its kits, which work on just a finger-prick of blood, … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Government’s testing shambles continues

Ministers were accused of ‘complacency’ and snubbing offers of help from labs today as Boris Johnson struggles to get a grip on the UK’s coronavirus testing shambles.  The government is desperately trying to ramp up the number of checks carried out, with warnings that 85 per cent of self-isolating NHS staff might be off unnecessarily … Read more

Testing shambles spirals as desperate Boris Johnson blames chemical shortage

Ministers were accused of ‘complacence’ and snubbing offers of help from labs today as Boris Johnson struggles to get a grip on the UK’s coronavirus testing shambles.  The government is desperately trying to ramp up the number of checks carried out, with experts warning that is the only way to end the lockdown threatening to … Read more

Piers Morgan slams Michael Gove and Matt Hancock for ‘backslapping’ each other about ventilators

Piers Morgan blasts ‘tone deaf’ Matt Hancock and Michael Gove for ‘back-slapping’ each other on Twitter over new ventilators that ‘haven’t arrived’ on day UK suffered worst coronavirus deaths of 381 Health Secretary applauded arrival of ventilators for the NHS on Twitter Colleague Michael Gove congratulated him for his ‘great leadership’ amid crisis Piers Morgan … Read more

Family of British medic to die from coronavirus tells of pain amid row over protecting NHS staff

The heartbroken family of the first NHS worker to die from coronavirus have said that it he was ‘properly protected’ he might still be alive today amid a wave of criticism directed at the Government’s handling of Covid-19 tests. Dr Adil El Tayar, a working surgeon, died on Wednesday at West Middlesex University Hospital in … Read more

Coronavirus UK: ‘Herd immunity’ idea ‘gave up on containment’

The UK gave up on containing the coronavirus outbreak ‘too soon’ because scientists assumed most people would become infected anyway, a leading expert has claimed. Devi Sridhar, professor of global public health at the Edinburgh University, said the assumption led officials to abandon measures that could help slow the pandemic. Those measures include mass testing and stringent contact … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Testing chaos as NHS swabbing centre EMPTY

Ministers are being told to get a grip on coronavirus testing as the health secretary closes a loophole that left thousands of its unused and a vast NHS swabbing station stood deserted.   Matt Hancock tonight intervened to end the embarrassing situation in which the number of tests carried out is short of capacity.  A source … Read more

Boris Johnson chairs the first EVER virtual Cabinet meeting where NO ministers are in the same room

Boris Johnson’s virtual Cabinet: PM chairs the first EVER top UK political meeting where NO ministers are in the same room as each other as he continues to self-isolate in Downing Street due to coronavirus Meeting of the UK’s top ministers was expected to be held entirely via videolink   PM and Health Secretary Matt Hancock … Read more

Fury as UK is STILL not carrying out 10,000 coronavirus tests a day

Fury as UK is STILL not carrying out 10,000 coronavirus tests a day despite ministers claiming the level had been hit yesterday Ministers claimed yesterday 10,000 coronavirus tests were being done per day They admitted today that level had not been reached despite ‘capacity’ in place Backlash has been growing about the slow pace towards … Read more

NHS is ‘bowled over’ after 750,000 people sign up for volunteer army to fight coronavirus

An astonishing 750,000 Britons have joined the NHS volunteer army in just five days. Health Secretary Matt Hancock had initially hoped to recruit 250,000 members of the public – but the target was trebled following the huge response. Nearly half a million pledged their support in the first 24 hours after the appeal went out on … Read more