Ministers face Huawei defeat in House of Lords over 5G

Ministers face Huawei defeat in House of Lords: Peers plot to scupper 5G deal over China’s links to human rights abuses Boris Johnson is under pressure over deal for Huawei to build 35% of 5G network  A group of peers want to amend law to block the deal on human rights grounds Government has launched … Read more

Tory peer Baroness Nicholson is reported to the Lords Commissioner for Standards

JK Rowling’s charity co-founder Baroness Nicholson has been reported to the Lord’s Commissioner for Standards over claims she bullied a British transgender model she called a ‘weird creature’. The politician is thought to have made the comments on Twitter about Munroe Bergdorf, an outspoken advocate for social justice.  In another, now deleted tweet, Baroness Nicholson also … Read more

Lord Roger Liddle left on mute and misses chance to speak during virtual House of Lords session

Hilarious moment Labour peer Lord Roger Liddle misses chance to speak during virtual House of Lords session because his computer was on MUTE Lord Liddle was left red-faced during a virtual House of Lords session on May 14 The sessions are now being conducted remotely due to the ongoing pandemic  Failing to unmute his microphone, … Read more

Peers demand their daily £323 attendance fee to log into virtual Lords

Peers demand their daily £323 ‘attendance’ fee to log into virtual Lords claiming not paying would be age discrimination Peers are demanding £323 daily stipend while attending virtual proceedings Members of the House of Lords can expect tax-free income of £48,000 per year Rules state they should only be paid for physical, not virtual, sittings … Read more

Lords bid to derail Boris Johnson’s ‘delusional’ law to block early release for terrorists

Lords mount last-ditch bid to derail Boris Johnson’s ‘delusional’ law to block terrorists from being freed early saying the Government must also increase funding for deradicalisation in prisons if it is to work Terrorist Offenders (Restriction of Early Release) Bill in Lords today Will stop automatic release of prisoners after serving half their sentence  But … Read more