PRITI PATEL reveals her outrage of boarding up Churchill and contempt for rioters’ thuggery

Home Secretary Priti Patel is incandescent. ‘They are trying to silence me because I don’t conform to their version of what it is to be an ethnic minority,’ she seethes. ‘They think they have a licence to speak for everybody from an ethnic minority community. ‘That is not the case. It is simply not the … Read more

‘Proud working class’ woman behind campaign to remove Baden-Powell statue was Corbyn’s candidate

He became a national hero during the Second Boer War in South Africa for defending a town for 217 days and is mostly known today for founding the world Scout Movement. But Lord Baden-Powell is also considered as a racist by some for forcing Africans out on cattle drives by threatening them with floggings and … Read more

ANDREW PIERCE: Tom Watson attacks Jeremy Corbyn and his ‘Stalinist cabal’ 

One of the worst kept secrets at Westminster was the antipathy between former Labour deputy leader Tom Watson and his then boss Jeremy Corbyn.  But only now, after Labour’s worst defeat since 1935, is Watson revealing quite how much he despised Corbyn.  Accusing the former Labour leader of running a ‘Stalinist operation’, he singles out … Read more

Corbynistas rage at ‘treachery’ of Keir Starmer’s new welfare chief

Corbynistas rage at ‘treachery’ of Keir Starmer’s new welfare chief after he suggested benefits should be linked to contributions MPs faithful to Crobyn reacted in fury after Jonathan Reynolds MP’s remarks Mr Reynolds is Sir Keir’s new Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary He appeared to suggest benefits should be based on what people paid in … Read more

Tom Watson’s peerage rejected over his support for false VIP paedophile ring claims by Carl Beech

Tom Watson’s peerage ‘is rejected by independent watchdog over his support for false VIP paedophile ring claim by fantasist Carl Beech’ Former deputy Labour leader Tom Watson’s peerage was blocked, it was claimed This is reportedly due to his support for false allegations made by Carl Beech He demanded police investigate Beech’s claims about a VIP … Read more

Jeremy Corbyn’s activist brother Piers is arrested yet AGAIN

Jeremy Corbyn’s activist brother Piers is arrested yet AGAIN as anti-lockdown protesters stage rally at Hyde Park Piers Corbyn was arrested this afternoon after taking part in protests It is the second time Mr Corbyn, 73, has been arrested at Hyde Park in a fortnight He was pictured being surrounded by officers as he spoke … Read more

Jeremy Corbyn is pictured ‘flouting social distancing rules’

Jeremy Corbyn is pictured ‘flouting social distancing rules when he stops to chat with a passer-by on a birthday trip to a London lock’ Jeremy Corbyn accused of ‘not social distancing’ during alleged birthday trip  Former leader seen standing close to passer-by ‘as they speak at a London lock’  In Facebook a post, users pointed … Read more

Labour leader Keir Starmer says he will NOT try to rejoin the EU

Labour leader Keir Starmer says he will NOT try to rejoin the EU if he wins the next electon because the Brexit debate is ‘over’ Sir Keir Starmer has insisted the Brexit debate ‘over’ and focus on life outside EU  Made clear he will not campaign to rejoin the bloc at the next election in … Read more

Steve Coogan furloughs the gardener and housekeeper at his £4million mansion

Steve Coogan furloughs the gardener and housekeeper at his £4million mansion leaving the taxpayer to pick up 80 percent of the tab Coogan, 54, has taken advantage of Rishi Sunak’s furloughing scheme  Gardener and housekeeper work full time at the sprawling home in the south Coogan backed Jeremy Corbyn. His home has a tennis court … Read more

Jeremy Corbyn supports protests against June school reopening

Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn tonight  threw his weight behind a hard-Left plan to prevent schools from re-opening at the start of June. The Islington North MP, 70, was the keynote speaker at an online rally organised by the Healthworker Coronavirus Activists Group. It is calling for a ‘day of action’ on May 28, followed by … Read more