PROFESSOR ROBERT DINGWALL: We need to discuss how life will be once jabs make Covid less deadly

While the shortage of beds and staff distress are all too real, what hospital doctors and nurses see on the wards does not reflect the average experience of Covid-19, writes Professor Robert Dingwall (pictured) The reports from Britain’s hospitals in the past few days have been truly worrying. No one should doubt the reality of what … Read more

Britons who flout Covid rules after both jabs could ‘more than offset’ the benefits, experts warn 

Elderly Britons who flout Covid rules after getting both doses of coronavirus vaccine could ‘more than offset’ the benefits, experts warn Experts fear many will stop social distancing after they have been inoculated Protection from Covid only kicks in about two weeks after the first vaccine dose  It remains unclear whether the jabs stop infection … Read more

Police issue warning as ‘Covid fraudster’ goes door-to-door offering fake vaccine jabs for £160

Police issue warning as ‘Covid fraudster’ goes door-to-door offering fake vaccine jabs for £160 each – saying he is ‘endangering lives’ By Antony Thrower For Mailonline Published: 00:22 GMT, 8 January 2021 | Updated: 01:06 GMT, 8 January 2021 A callous fraudster claiming to work for the NHS injected a 92-year-old woman with a fake … Read more

Studies find a single shot is at least 50% effective and giving more first jabs is cheaper

Three new studies suggest that as many people as possible should receive at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine.  Currently, both vaccines approved for emergency use authorization in the U.S. – from Pfizer Inc and Moderna Inc – require two doses administered about one month apart. But researchers from Yale University, Stanford University and the … Read more

Is it wise to carry on shielding in the 12 weeks between your first and second jabs?

The advice was simple: one jab, and then another three weeks later. ‘It’ll only work properly if you come back for the second dose,’ is what Dr Helen Salisbury, an Oxford-based GP, had told her patients – all in their 80s and beyond – at the time of their first shot of the Covid vaccine. Doubtless, … Read more

India completes full dry run of Covid vaccination programme as it gears up to give jabs to 300m

India has completed a full dry run of its Covid-19 vaccination programme as it gears up to give the jabs to 300million people. Experts at the country’s drugs regulator have recommended for emergency use two coronavirus vaccines, one developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University and the other backed by a state-run institute, the government said … Read more

Vaccines expert says doctors should NOT ‘mix and match’ different types of Covid jabs

Health officials have insisted that Britain is not opting for a ‘mix and match’ Covid-19 vaccination approach, and have said it is not recommended to give patients two different doses. The warning came after Britain’s guidance for its coronavirus vaccine rollout was updated to say that a ‘mix and match’ approach to vaccine administration is ‘reasonable’ … Read more

The world follows Britain’s vaccine lead: Coronavirus jabs are rolled out across Europe

European countries have followed the UK’s lead in rolling out ‘new weapon’ vaccines in the fight against covid-19, as pensioners and medics line up to get the first shots.    The mass covid-19 vaccination drive begun on Sunday in countries including Italy, Spain, Germany and Slovakia as EU governments agreed on an official roll out date … Read more

Old and vulnerable people ‘AREN’T getting their Covid jabs’

Old and vulnerable people ‘AREN’T getting their Covid jabs’ with spare vaccines offered to healthy volunteers At one health centre in South London 75 doses of the vaccine were left over  The Pfizer vaccine must be used within five days of being thawed to work  Elderly people may be struggling with transport or are nervous … Read more

Rupert Murdoch, 89, receives Covid vaccine as Fox News hosts are sceptical about jabs

Rupert Murdoch, 89, gets the Covid vaccine On the NHS at his local GP surgery in England… while his US Fox News hosts question the jabs and create doubts about whether public should be ‘nervous’  Billionaire was whisked to a dedicated centre in Henley, Oxfordshire this week Mr Murdoch said he ‘strongly encouraged’ people worldwide to … Read more