Patrick Vallance warns Covid jabs may be needed EVERY YEAR

Britons may need to be vaccinated against Covid every year to keep the disease at bay, Sir Patrick Vallance warned today. No10’s chief scientific adviser delivered the warning today, saying a regular flu-style rollout may be required to ‘keep on top’ of the virus. Scientists say that mutations on the spike protein — which disease-fighting proteins … Read more

Coronavirus vaccine: UK gets jabs to 343,000 people in a day

Hopes that Britain’s great Covid vaccine rollout is still on track were raised today as official data revealed the UK dished out jabs to 343,163 people yesterday following fears the NHS drive may have stalled.   Boris Johnson insisted the UK is still on schedule to inoculate 14million vulnerable people by mid-February. But the Prime Minister — … Read more

Police swoop on pensioners queueing for Covid jabs ‘after they received illegal rave tip-off’ 

Police swoop on pensioners waiting to receive the Covid jab at vaccination centre ‘after they received false tip-off that venue was holding an illegal rave’ Police swooped on ‘rave’ at Essex’s Freemasons’ Saxon Hall in Southend-on-Sea The crowds were reported to them by concerned neighbours raising the alarm  But police instead found pensioners queueing for … Read more

Met police chief is ‘baffled’ that frontline officers have not been prioritised for Covid jabs

Met police chief Dame Cressida Dick is ‘baffled’ that frontline officers have not been prioritised for Covid jabs Met’s police chief revealed there have been 48 spitting attacks on police officers Further 97 incidents where someone threatened Covid-19 and coughed at police Dame Cressida said PCs who can’t dress in full PPE are putting themselves at … Read more

Elderly Britons may be missing invites for Covid jabs because GPs are having to TEXT them

Elderly Britons may be missing appointments for their coronavirus vaccines because GPs are sending them invites by text, doctors fear. Some over-80s who are next in line for the jab are being contacted on their mobile phones because of the ‘short notice of supply’. Dr Ollie Hart, a GP involved in the rollout in Sheffield, said … Read more

Only 14M Americans have gotten COVID jabs

Only a little over 14 million Americans have been vaccinated against COVID-19 as of Monday morning, data reveal.   Already, vaccination centers are over-booked with Americans desperate to get vaccinated. Many are on the verge of running out of doses to give; some are already out. New York and Michigan have each asked the federal government’s … Read more

Millions more to be offered jabs as minister offers hope of easing in March

The brutal lockdown is on track to be loosened in England from the beginning of March amid rising hopes that target of vaccinating all adults by September could be beaten by months. Another five million people will be invited to receive a  jab from today, with some in Whitehall suggesting the rollout is going so well … Read more

More than half of over-80s have had Covid jabs says Matt Hancock

More than half of over-80s have had Covid jabs according to Matt Hancock despite Dominic Raab’s hints that all adults may not be vaccinated before September.  The Health Secretary made the announcement on Twitter the morning after saying the UK is ‘nearly on the home strait’ out of the pandemic.  He said: ‘I’m delighted that over … Read more

Care homes take legal advice over whether they can force reluctant staff to have Covid jabs

Care homes take legal advice over whether they can force reluctant staff to have Covid vaccinations as up to 120,000 refuse National Care Association sought legal advice as staff refuse the vaccination   Just 41 per cent of 18 to 34-year-olds will ‘definitely’ accept the Covid jab   Young people and ethnic minorities are less likely to … Read more

Covid UK: More than 300,000 coronavirus jabs are delivered in one day

Britain’s vaccination programme is ahead of schedule after more than 300,000 jabs were delivered in a single day. Some 3.2million doses have now been doled out – far more than in any other European nation. Chief scientific adviser Patrick Vallance hailed the rollout as a ‘miracle’, with the NHS confirming that 316,694 jabs were administered … Read more