Ocado shoppers accuse online retailer of ‘inflating’ the prices of M&S in-store items

Ocado shoppers accuse online retailer of ‘inflating’ the prices of M&S in-store items by up to 25% since they joined forces on home deliveries last month One customer noticed the exact same kitchen towels sold for 20p more online Chopped Italian Tomatoes cost 5p more online; and Mexican rice is 15p more Another tweeted: ‘M&S store … Read more

eBay users inflating prices of supermarket flour, Dairy Milk and Pot Noodles in coronavirus crisis

‘Unscrupulous’ eBay users are attempting to exploit desperate shoppers in the midst of the coronavirus crisis by selling out-of-stock essentials for more than ten times their shop price. One user of the online market place listed a 1kg bag of self-raising flour for a whopping £14.99, before slapping on an extra £6.99 in post and … Read more

Calls to name and shame stores that are inflating toilet rolls prices up to £14 

A DJ has been slammed for cashing in on the coronavirus panic after he made £3,000 in two hours selling premium toilet paper out of his van on the side of the road. Lee Marshall parked in a layby and sold 600 cases of 45 rolls for £15 each. He bought the premium roll from … Read more