Coronavirus plan to expose young, healthy Australians to boost immunity

Social distancing measures would be loosened to expose young and healthy Australians to coronavirus in a bid to lift immunity rates under a new plan being considered by health officials.   COVID-19 infections continue to drop across the country, after state and federal governments shut borders, closed businesses and enforced tough restrictions that have turned the … Read more

MIDAS SHARE TIPS: How’s this for herd immunity? Animal feed maker with an anti-viral additive

Coronavirus has turned business as usual on its head. With the country in lockdown, millions of people on furlough and no clear end in sight, numerous companies are cancelling their dividends to conserve cash.  Anpario, a small, AIM-listed business based in Worksop, Nottinghamshire, is bucking the trend.  The company makes healthy additives for animal feed … Read more

PM’s virus adviser warns Britain might still need to adopt herd immunity

Boris Johnson’s chief adviser on the coronavirus has warned that Britain might still have to adopt the contoversial herd immunity policy to defeat the pandemic.    Professor Graham Medley, the government’s chief pandemic modeller, said lockdown measures have pushed the UK ‘into a corner’, with no way of lifting restrictions while keeping the virus under control.  … Read more

Backlash over Government’s plan for immunity certificates as scientists brand them ‘dangerous’

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more

Coronavirus UK: ‘Immunity certificates’ may ease lockdown

Britons who have already have fought off the coronavirus could be given ‘immunity certificates’, ministers today confirmed. Health Secretary Matt Hancock admitted Number 10 was looking at the move at a Downing Street press conference tonight.  German scientists have already announced they will roll out the certificates, to try and ease the country out of … Read more

Coronavirus UK: ‘Herd immunity’ idea ‘gave up on containment’

The UK gave up on containing the coronavirus outbreak ‘too soon’ because scientists assumed most people would become infected anyway, a leading expert has claimed. Devi Sridhar, professor of global public health at the Edinburgh University, said the assumption led officials to abandon measures that could help slow the pandemic. Those measures include mass testing and stringent contact … Read more

Fauci says herd immunity from coronavirus is unlikely because not enough people have been infected

Dr Anthony Fauci warns Americans that they do NOT have ‘herd immunity’ to coronavirus because too few people have been infected – even as US cases climb past 164,000 Dr Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, says herd immunity the coronavirus is unlikely He said there have not been … Read more

Germany to issue coronavirus ‘immunity certificates’

Germany to issue coronavirus ‘immunity certificates’ to people who have recovered in a bid to bring their lockdown to an end Researchers will use the data to decide where and when lockdowns will cease  Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Braunschweig overseeing project Carrying out blood tests in order to detect antibodies associated with immunity  … Read more

Scientists develop first US blood test for coronavirus immunity

New York scientists have created the first blood test to detect whether someone has already been infected by and developed immunity to coronavirus.  Researchers at Mt Sinai’s Icahn School of Medicine have made the first so-called serologic test for COVID-19 in the US, and they plan to roll it out in the next few days … Read more

China’s top coronavirus expert says ‘herd immunity’ WILL NOT curb the pandemic

China’s top coronavirus expert has warned that ‘herd immunity’ will not contain the global pandemic because the disease is too infectious and lethal.  The Chinese senior medical adviser rebuked UK’s approach to allow citizens to catch the virus to build up a national tolerance strong enough to stop the virus circulating. ‘Herd immunity won’t solve … Read more