MPs slam Huawei bosses over claims of being ‘independent’ of Beijing

Furious MPs today told Huawei bosses that their claims of the Chinese firm being ‘independent’ of Beijing’s influence are ‘not credible’.  Senior figures from the tech giant were grilled by the Commons Science and Technology Select Committee this morning as they insisted Huawei should be ‘judged on how we behave, not how China behaves’.  The … Read more

Former MI6 spy’s dossier sparks Huawei storm over ‘useful idiots’ claims

The diplomatic war over Huawei took an extraordinary twist last night after a controversial dossier accused China of trying to manipulate key Establishment figures in the UK. Entitled China’s Elite Capture, the 86-page report details an alleged campaign by Beijing to persuade influential individuals to back Huawei and its strategic aims. Among a string of … Read more

Lord Clement-Jones ‘baffled’ after ‘dossier claimed he was targeted by fake Huawei campaign’ 

A Lib Dem peer says he is ‘baffled’ by claims he was targeted by a fake PR campaign to help boost the perceptions of Chinese technology company Huawei.  Lord Clement-Jones was allegedly targeted in a covert bid to invite British politicians and business leaders to take part in staged radio interviews and email them fake … Read more

Lord Clement-Jones ‘baffled’ by fake Huawei campaign revelation

A Lib Dem peer says he is ‘baffled’ by claims he was targeted by a fake PR campaign to help boost the perceptions of Chinese technology company Huawei.  Lord Clement-Jones was allegedly targeted in a covert bid to invite British politicians and business leaders to take part in staged radio interviews and email them fake … Read more

Ex-MI6 chief John Sawers backs barring Huawei from 5G

An ex-MI6 chief today backed barring Huawei from the UK’s 5G network as the government faces Tory demands to phase the Chinese firm’s technology out of telecoms infrastructure altogether.  Sir John Sawers, who previously endorsed Huawei’s involvement, said US sanctions would affect its ability to provide secure equipment. The intervention came amid growing signs that … Read more

Huawei will be dumped from UK’s 5G network over security risks after concerning intelligence report

Huawei will be dumped over 5G security risks after a damning intelligence report said that within seven years mobile infrastructure could be compromised Huawei is set to be axed from the UK’s 5G network due to security concerns Ministers are expected to approve the ban on Huawei products in relation to 5G  Chiefs warn they … Read more

Huawei 5G ‘will be banned in the UK’ with spy report set to wreck Boris Johnson’s broadband deal

Huawei 5G deal ‘WILL be axed’ as spy chiefs at GCHQ revises their advice on Chinese tech firm PM gave Huawei the go-ahead to build 35 per cent of Britain’s 5G infrastructure However, a report from the National Cyber Security Centre could halt the plan A probe found US sanctions on Huawei could render alternate microchips … Read more

Boris Johnson says China’s Hong Kong crackdown could scupper Huawei deal

China’s ‘unacceptable’ crackdown in Hong Kong could shut the door to Huawei’s involvement in Britain’s 5G mobile network, Boris Johnson has said as London and Beijing traded blows today.  Mr Johnson said the draconian new security law that China has imposed on Hong Kong was ‘plainly an unacceptable breach’ of the freedoms that the city … Read more

Boris Johnson hints at hardened stance on Huawei and 5G network

Boris Johnson vows to protect UK national infrastructure from ‘hostile state vendors’ as he signals hardening stance on Huawei involvement in 5G network amid mounting backlash over his deal with Chinese firm Boris Johnson said UK national infrastructure must be ‘properly protected’  Comments will be seen as hardening in his stance over Huawei 5G involvement … Read more

Ministers face Huawei defeat in House of Lords over 5G

Ministers face Huawei defeat in House of Lords: Peers plot to scupper 5G deal over China’s links to human rights abuses Boris Johnson is under pressure over deal for Huawei to build 35% of 5G network  A group of peers want to amend law to block the deal on human rights grounds Government has launched … Read more